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The Finnish teams start off strong – Kitchen takes the lead

Kitchen is topping the leaderboard after week one in the PUBG Top Division of Fragleague. But two newcomers entered the Top Division with a bang.
The first week of the PUBG Top Division is over, and Kitchen is sitting in the top of the leaderboard with 49 points, as they kept their momentum from last season. Kitchen claimed the first chicken dinner of the season after taking on newcomers Diskvalificeret in a close three versus four in the endgame. Kitchen played solid throughout all the four games, gathering an impressive 32 kills, most out of all the teams in the first week.

– We got a very favourable zone in the first game and managed to convert that into a solid win to start off the new season. Winning the first game gives you a good confidence booster for the other games and you feel like you can do anything, which enables you to pull of plays which you maybe couldn’t if you didn’t have the confidence, says Rustanmar from Kitchen.

What are your thoughts on the fight in the end?

– The fight in the end felt a bit weird to us. With how passive they were playing, we maybe thought there was a snake somewhere, so we cleared our side before we started to fight them properly. We were one man down in the fight, so we had to rely a lot on our individual skill to win the aim duels and that is what we did, along with trying to get man advantages on either side of the fight, Rustanmar further explains.

The two newcomers Diskvalificeret and YMCA Esports also played some impressive PUBG and is now sitting on second and third place, respectively. YMCA Esports claimed their first chicken dinner in the Top Division in just three games in a spectacular fashion when they beat reigning champions Kitchen, in a Finnish battle, four versus three, in the endgame. Diskvalificeret on the other hand never managed to claim a chicken dinner, but nonetheless managed to consistently grab placement points, while also fragging out, putting them on an impressive second place with 45 points, after their first week in the Top Division.

However, it was a day to remember for the Finnish teams overall. In fact, the Finnish teams; Kitchen, SKADE, YMCA Esports and Vis, claimed all the four chicken dinners this week, in that order.


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