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b0denmaster: "You should expect a playoff spot for Lilmix"

The first day of the new season of Fragleague is in the books. There were some surprises, and in the broadcasted game of the night, the Swedes in Lilmix showed why they are one of the favourites of the Top Division this season.
Sunday brought us the beginning of the sixth season of Fragleague. Two games played in Group A and two games played in Group B of Fragleague Top Divsion. The highlighted game of the night was the one between Swedish power house Lilmix, playing with Robin "robiin" Sjögren instead of Isak "isak" Fahlén, against Finnish side SAWO. In hindsight the game looked kind of one sided, with Lilmix beating the Finns by 2-0. Though the first game of Inferno looked maybe more convincing than Dust2. This is what Lilmix star player Jonathan "b0denmaster" Bodenmalm had to say about the game:

"On Inferno, I felt that we managed to get a good grip of the game in the early rounds which made it quiet easy for us to lock it down. Second map was a little bit tougher as they started with a great momentum on their T-side. But we managed to pull of a good comeback on the CT-side and that's were I sort of knew we would take that map aswell."

On the question what expectations Lilmix has this season and who they see as their biggest rivals, b0denmaster replied:

"You should expect a playoff spot for Lilmix, perhaps even getting a top 2 placement. Our biggest rivals is Galaxy Racer since it's a team from Sweden and they share the same tier as us"

In the second game played in Group B, Finnish side IQUE beat SyGytt in a really close affair. Two games had to be decided in overtime, with IQUE finally coming on top with a 2-1 victory. In Group A the Swedish team familia managed to beat the Norwegian in FOXED with a reassuring 2-0 victory. Maybe the surprise of the evening was that DREAM won 2-0 against Lemondogs with legends such as Simon "twist" Eliasson and Andreas "MODDII" Fridh in the team. Next weekend the action continues, be sure not to miss the continuation of Fragleague S6 Top Division.

The league tables: Group A, Group B

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