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Prize pool announced for Fragleague Season 4 — over 1 million SEK in prizes

Today we are proud to announce the prize pool for the fourth season of Fragleague. With the cash and product prizes reaching over 1 million SEK. Here is the distribution of the prize pool.
Fragleague Season 4 will see the biggest prize pool in the leagues history. The totalt prize pool is a whopping 1 285 000 SEK divided in cash and product prizes. The totalt cash amount is 585.000 SEK with the product prizes having a value of 700 000 SEK.

Our goal with the league has always been providing value for every player competing. Because of this we are providing prizes for every stage of the competition for both PUBG and CS:GO. The lion's share of the prize money will go to the Top Division of both games but everyone is competing for something, be it money or products.


Top Division
1st - 100.000 SEK + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 Philips OneBlades + 5 DRKN Limited Jacket
2nd - 50.000 SEK + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited Hoodies
3rd - 25.000 SEK + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited Hoodies
*All participating teams that finishes the season receives 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)

Regional Divisions
1st - 15.000 SEK + Advances to Top Division + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
2nd - 7.000 SEK + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
3rd - 3.000 SEK + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
*All participating teams that finishes the season receives 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)
**The winner of the Swedish Regional Division wins 5 "Lan-Bags" from Estrella (á 12 bags)

Weekly Cups Playoff
1st - 5.000 SEK + Advances to regional Division
2nd - 2.500 SEK

Weekly Cups Qualifier
1st - Advances to Weekly Cups Playoffs + 5 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 5 DRKN Limited T-shirts
2nd - Advances to Weekly Cups Playoffs + 5 Philips OneBlades


Top Division
1st - 80.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 Philips OneBlades + 4 DRKN Limited Jacket
2nd - 35.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited Hoodies
3rd - 20.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited Hoodies
4th - 15.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)
*All participating teams that finishes the season receives 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)

Regional Divisions
1st - 12.000 SEK + Advances to Top Division + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
2nd - 6.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
3rd - 4.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited Long-Sleeve Tee
4th - 3.000 SEK + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)
*All participating teams that finishes the season receives 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans)
**The winner of the Swedish Regional Division wins 4 "Lan-Bags" from Estrella (á 12 bags)

Weekly Cups Playoff
1st - 5.000 SEK + Advances to regional Division
2nd - 2.500 SEK

Weekly Cups Qualifier
1st - Advances to Weekly Cups Playoffs + 4 Red Bull Tray (á 24 cans) + 4 DRKN Limited T-shirts
2nd - Advances to Weekly Cups Playoffs + 4 Philips OneBlades

Total prize money: 585.000 SEK for Fragleague S4
Total product prize value: 700.000 SEK for Fragleague S4
Total prize pool: 1.285.000 SEK

*All payouts are exclusively handled through Challengermode and winners pay insurances, taxes, charges and expenses. We reserve the right for any printing errors and changes. All product prices need to be claimed within 30 days from the end of the season.

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