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No Problem! win Fragleague Season 3

After a incredibly exciting season the winners of Fragleague Season 3 has been crowned. The danish team No Problem! managed to secure the win with only one lost game the entire season.
The third season of Fragleague CS:GO has probably been the most exciting season so far, with the winners not being decided until the the last game. The top of the table have during the entire season been dominated by Prima Esport and No Problem!. Last week Prima won their last game against A Walk To Remember and their place in the standings would be decided by No Problem!s final game versus Lyngby Vikings.

If No Problem! were to loose the game Prima would be the victors having secured eight wins and only one loss. That loss however was to the hands of No Problem!. If No Problem could secure the win against Lyngby the head to head result against Prima would make them the victors of season 3. The danish team did eventually manage to win the incredibly tight game versus Lyngby with 2-0, 16-13 on Dust2 and 19-15 on Nuke.

Standnings can be found on Challengermode

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