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Going into week 8 of Fragleague — Stefan Engblom of Dada Life is visiting the show

With only a couple of weeks left of Fragleague, a conclusion is on the horizon. Join us tomorrow and watch games from both the Top Division of CS:GO and the Alpha Group of PUBG. Musician Stefan Engblom of the DJ duo Dada Life, is the guest of the day.
Not much is left of the seconds season of Fragleague, but still, there are games to enjoy. On Sunday we go into the 8th week of Fragleague. In the Alpha Group of Quickmath did extend their lead, but nothing is impossible and the challengers can still catch up. Will Quickmath be able to deliver under the pressure, or will they crumble. Three games are on the menu in the Top Division of CS:GO. Among the games, we find the top match between djungelboken and Esportadviser. Can these teams catch up with the Danish teams who are on top of the table. On Sunday, Strong versus Lavin and Nova Pro against Granit will also be played.

On Sunday the show will be guested by Stefan Engblom. Stefan is one part of the DJ duo Dada Life. Dada Life, known for the humor on stage, has traveled the world playing their music and so far they have released three albums. Join us on Sunday, hear what Stefan has to say and why he is visiting an esports show. The season is concluding and it is getting very interesting. The broadcast starts at 14:15 pm on Twitch.tv.

Artikelbild: Sverigesradio.se

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