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Rexxars prevails in Qualifier #6 of Fragleague S2: Rocket League

In the sixth qualifier of Fragleague S2, there was one team to rule them all. Rexxar dominated the qualifier, without losing a single game. They'll be able to show off their skill on again in the final bracket, together with Walkover?, High Fly and The Undateables, who also made it out of Qualifier #6.
It was a walk in the park victory for Rexxars in the sixth qualifier to the final bracket of Fragleague S2: Rocket League. They didn't lose a single game in their path to victory, and they conceded only two goals in total. No qualifier thus far has been such a one-sided story. In the semi-final, Rexxar crushed High Fly, and in the final Team "Walkover?" was equally decimated. Walkover? looked good leading up to the final, also not losing a single game before the final. Rexxar proved to be on another level in this qualifier, and with that, they'll be a force to be reckoned with in the final bracket. Walkover?, High Fly and The Undatebales will join them in the final bracket and the fight for 50 000 SEK.

There are still a couple of qualifiers coming up. The next qualifier will be played on May 21st. Be sure to enter the battle, and maybe you will be the team to take down Rexxar in the final bracket and go for a lion's share of the 50 000 SEK prize pool.

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