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Conquer Gaming reigns supreme in the fifth week of Fragleague: PUBG

There was a new king in town last weekend in the Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group. With Quickmath in the Bravo Group, it was another Finnish team, Conquer Gaming, stealing the headlines.
The leading team Quickmath was relegated to the Bravo Group last weekend, because of their absence in week 4. This gave the opportunity for new teams to take command. It was Conquer Gaming that started off best in game one, after some great play from Aleksi "rolezeh" Nieminen. In the first game Conquer Gaming massed a total of 200 points, with MJ Academy in second place with 140 points. In the second game Conquer Gaming dropped out early, and instead In Control dominated the game and won with 290 total points. Also game three was dominated by a single team, this time Riddle Esports with 270 total points.

The last game of the night proved to be the most even one. In the end, it was down to four teams, with Hakkapeliittas1 finally prevailing and winning the game with 180 total points. Closely followed by Conquer Gaming and SJK eSports. In total it was Conquer Gaming stacking up the most points in the Alpha Group last weekend, with Riddle Esports and Hakkapeliittas1 on a shared second place. This means, that even though Quickmath had to fight their way through the Bravo Group, they still managed to gather the points needed to stay in first place total. Next weekend we'll see if the Finns can take control of the Alpha Group once again.

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