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Yeeters are the winners of Qualifier #5 of Fragleague S2: Rocket League

After an intense final, it was Yeeters who came out as the winners of the fifth qualifier of Fragleague S2: Rocket League. Closebar, Ranked Warriors and Boomer! will get their chance for revenge in the final bracket.
Many teams signed up for the fifth qualifier of Fragleague S2: Rocket League, and there were some really interesting games. In the upper half of the bracket, Yeeters cruised their way into the finals, after beating Ritalinbjørnene 3-1, Flake Esports 3-0 and Ranked Warriors 3-1. In the lower half of the bracket, it was Closebar that stood for the exceptional performance taking them all the way to the final. The final between Yeeters and Closebar proved to be a really exciting game, with the teams trading goals all the time. In the end, it was Yeeters that came out victorious with a 3-1 scoreline. Closebar will still see themselves in the final bracket, together with semi-finalists Ranked Warriors and Boomer!

There are three more qualifiers to go before we are entering the final bracket and the fight for 50 000 SEK. If you want to join Yeeters, Closebar and the rest to battle it out for the glory, and money, be sure to sign up your team for the next qualifier. The sixth qualifier will be played on May 14th.

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