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Two games played in week 4 of Fragleague: CS:GO Top Division

In the fourth round of Fragleague: CS:GO Top Division we saw Lavin beating Djungelboken in an intense game and Granit was able to take down Lilmix, to continue their good form.
Due to different reasons, only two games have been played in week 4 of Fragleague: CS:GO Top Division. Still, the games that were played were som great ones. The featured game of Sunday's stream was the game between djungelboken and Lavin. Map one was Mirage, and it was a close battle to the end. With some great plays from especially Robin "robiin" Sjögren, Djungelboken managed to pick up map one with a 16-13 victory. The second map of Dust2 proved to be an even closer game. Even though Djungelboken was able to come back from a deficit, Lavin came through in overtime and won Dust2 19-16. Nuke would prove to be the deciding map, and here Lavin was able to continue on the momentum they gathered on Dust2. Lavin was in control of the game, and finally won 16-9, and with that the entire match.

The other game that was played was Granit versus Lilmix. Granit was able to continue their good form in Fragleague, and overcome Lilmix with a 2-1 score. On Thursday the match between Nova Pro and Strong will be played, and next Fragleague Sunday we'll hopefully see a full round of matches. Be sure to tune in then!

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