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Quickmath in the lead after two weeks played of Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group

There is a new leader in town, and they are called Quickmath. The Finns had a great showing last weekend in Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group, and manged to grab the top of the table, in front of Team Clueless and Enviik.
The finnish side of Quickmath is now top of the table in the Alpha Group of PUBG, after a tremendous i showing last weekend. In four games they pulled off the impressive feat of finishing first, second, third and fourth. They are now in a 240 points lead over second place team Team Clueless. Even though they put out a total of 32 frags over the four games played, it was the 260 points they got from placements that made the difference. Especially if you compare the placement points with second place team Clueless, who got almost as many frags as Quickmath, but only 70 placement points. Quickmath has a lot to thank their player Roope "Peltsij" Peltomäki, who put out some great numbers.

First and second team after week 1, Enviik and Team Clueless, now find themselves in second and third place. Team Cluless on second place has got some distance to the rest of the table, but Enviik only has 80 points lead down to fourth place team 556 Mafia. The rest of the table is insanely even, so a lot can still happen in the upcoming weeks.

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