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Dota 2 bästa hjälten i varje roll

Postat av Slothified den 17 Juni 2019, 08:32
2 kommentarer · 654 träffar
As a newbie in this field, I want to know more about the best heroes to use in each roles. (I want to focus on the team-wise)

Based on what I would see in WCG 2019, EPICENTER, QIWI Team play, and other tournaments, they use heroes in according to what they're good at. I know there are some exceptional cases like someone is really good that they can carry the team or they can achieve their objectives because of independency. Most of the times it works but sometimes it doesn't.

Since there are Carry, Support, Mid, Jungle, and Offlaner. What heroes you think suited to each roles to make the team unstoppable.

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