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Postat av HeavenlyFaucet den 28 Mars 2019, 06:58
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Link: http://wcg.com/news/view/461

The DOTA 2 Online Qualifiers Rules are posted on the official website of WCG: wcg.com for all the Pro and Amateur players who are interested in joining the tournament with DOTA 2 as the game of their choice.

DOTA 2 Online Qualifiers Gamer version would be the DOTA 2 (Steam version) and will proceed with 5v5 teams competition with single elimination. The National Qualifier brackets will be played until the conclusion of the semi-finals, and the game time would also continue until there is a declared winner. Regions APAC, AMERICAS, an EUROPE will have their own Regional Qualifiers, and CHINA Region (Mainland China) will have a separate one.

The Top 8 players in each regional qualifiers will then be officially invited to the regional finals for their region.

DOTA 2 Online Qualifiers will have no item or hero ban in the games. Backdooring is also allowed, and the teams can also choose to broadcast their games with the condition of a DELAY. Only approved spectators can do a stream can do a live stream with no delay. Teams can call on a WCG Referee/Officials, but only the Captains can do this.

The APAC, AMERICAS and EUROPE Region had already announced that the selection priority will be set to Automatic (Virtual Coin Toss).

Other rules with more details can be found in the link above.

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