Hejsan alla fragbitare!
Fick precis ett mail av noreply@steampowered.com, men hotmails SmartScreen-filter säger att mailet är mycket misstänkt och har blockerat bifogade filer.
Såhär står det:
Tell us more about yourself
You recently indicated you want to play Dota2. Before we send the first batch of invites we need to collect a little more information from you about your level of gaming experience and your gaming rig.
To begin the survey go to the machine on which you intend to play Dota2, start Steam and click this link:
steam://takesurvey/1 / (if you haven't restarted your Steam client for a few days, you might need to do that before clicking that link).
To install Steam go to
http://www.steampowered.com/ab out
Thank you
The Dota2 Team"
Min fråga är om man kan lita på det där, har någon av er fått sånt mail?
så SC1