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Faceit med stor uppdatering — här är de viktigaste nyheterna

Faceit presenterar ny funktion i stor uppdatering.
Spelplattformen Faceit har släppt en stor uppdatering, det meddelar de i ett blogginlägg. I den nya uppdateringen introduceras bland annat ett regionalt matchningssystem.

Utöver det nya matchningssystemet har bland annat en ny version av Super Match är släppts, ESEA League Season 48 är öppen för registrering och nya uppdrag, turneringar och ladders är tillgängliga.

Summering av uppdateringen:
Regional Matching Test: aiming to match you with others from your region to ensure there are less language barrier issues.

Super Match now guarantees matches where the Elo range is capped. This is a change from the cap only being applied to individual parties previously. The Elo cap varies by region, more information can be found here.

Elo Widget: now you can see visible progression towards your next level in matchrooms.

Registration Opens for ESEA League Season 48: Sign up for the first CS2 League Season of 2024 for a chance to win your share of $1,000,000 per year and start your path to ESL Pro League in the world’s most competitive team league.

New League Team Pages: We have updated the team’s profiles with the details of your season to make it easier to find your opponent’s history and show off your own success on your profile.

Winter Content: Join the Festivities: 15 Million FACEIT Points and great prizes are up for grabs in our new winter missions, tournaments, and ladders.

DROPSKIN Rewards: From December 14th to 20th, login, play your games as usual and automatically be entered to win FREE FACEIT Points and DROPSKIN cases in partnership with Dropskin.

FPL and Challenger Rank Check-in: Celebrating Excellence- In this mid-season update, we’re shining a spotlight on the top Challenger Rank players, marking the halfway point to the prestigious race to 100K USD with FPL Proving Grounds in February 2024.

New Tournament Sign-up System: This improvement helps bolster our community of 10,000+ organizers running their competitions through FACEIT. We want to help increase their signups as we transition to a new system to give you a better experience when signing up for tournaments with invite links and a process where you don’t have to add each other as friends and have a full lineup ready to go, among other steps. These partially registered teams will no longer fill tournament slots to ensure all eligible teams can join.

Artikelbild: Pressbild/Faceit och Skärmbild/Counter-Strike

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