I en serie tweets skriver niko att han beklagar att han litade på HUNDEN och att han vid tidpunkten för fuskandet inte insåg allvaret i situationen. Vidare skriver 23-åringen att han accepterar sitt straff och att han kommer att göra allt i sin makt för att bli en bättre version av sig själv.
Läs nikos tweets nedan:
2) As I told ESIC and will say again, at the time I did not understand the implications and severity of Hunden's actions. I regret to have trusted Hunden and I regret to not have understood the implications of his actions earlier than I did.
— Nikolaj Kristensen (@OfficialnikoCS) October 18, 2021
3) I wish I had never trusted someone I believed to be a close friend and colleague, but I did. As the report states, this does make me complicit and there’s nothing I can do about that but to learn from my mistakes.
— Nikolaj Kristensen (@OfficialnikoCS) October 18, 2021
4) I accept the verdict and my punishment and I will do everything in my power to be a better version of myself each and every day. Since my time in Heroic, I've taken steps to receive proper personal and professional guidance through my management team.
— Nikolaj Kristensen (@OfficialnikoCS) October 18, 2021
5) OG has been nothing but helpful during this whole process and I couldn’t wish for a better place to be during this whole case. Thanks for all your support during this whole process.
— Nikolaj Kristensen (@OfficialnikoCS) October 18, 2021