Efter att ha öppet förnekat sin egen, samt sina före detta medlemmars, deltagande i läggmatcherna som nu i veckan bekräftades att ha varit äkta släppte steel natten till idag ett personligt uttalande kring hela situationen.
Nissan öppnar med att be om ursäkt till RIchard Lewis, journalisten som bröt nyheten kring den uppgjorda matchen, då de kände varandra väl sedan tidigare och han ljög för Lewis under hela utredningen.
Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham, den enda före detta iBUYPOWER-medlemen som Valve inte fann involverad i skandalen, dirigerar steel mycket lovord mot, och beskriver honom som "den enda spelaren med integritet", då han inte accepterade några skins från härvan, och att han själv inte kunde ge upp frestelsen efter deras tuffa förlust på FaceIt-LAN finalerna i mitten av förra året.
Avslutningsvis talar han ut om vad han planerar att göra i framtiden, samt hur han ser på situationen efter röken har lagt sig.
Nissan öppnar med att be om ursäkt till RIchard Lewis, journalisten som bröt nyheten kring den uppgjorda matchen, då de kände varandra väl sedan tidigare och han ljög för Lewis under hela utredningen.
First and foremost, I would like to apologize to the community for the set back and embarrassment I've caused to the game, and to my fans.
Additionally, I would like to apologise directly to Richard Lewis. He was an old friend and provided me a place to sleep and play games rent free when I was homeless. He stuck his neck out for me and I couldn't give him the decency to own up to my actions.
Additionally, I would like to apologise directly to Richard Lewis. He was an old friend and provided me a place to sleep and play games rent free when I was homeless. He stuck his neck out for me and I couldn't give him the decency to own up to my actions.
Tyler "Skadoodle" Latham, den enda före detta iBUYPOWER-medlemen som Valve inte fann involverad i skandalen, dirigerar steel mycket lovord mot, och beskriver honom som "den enda spelaren med integritet", då han inte accepterade några skins från härvan, och att han själv inte kunde ge upp frestelsen efter deras tuffa förlust på FaceIt-LAN finalerna i mitten av förra året.
Unfortunately I did not have the same integrity as I was at a weakened emotional state at the time having just lost at a major CS:GO event and having decided that I was going to quit the team. I do not know whether I did not profit off of the scandal or if I've only convinced myself of this, but looking back at my trade history, I can see a net of -1 skin directly from the ordeal. It was never a plan for me to get rich quick.
Avslutningsvis talar han ut om vad han planerar att göra i framtiden, samt hur han ser på situationen efter röken har lagt sig.
At the start of this new year I had big plans for making CS:GO bigger in NA and was eager to put the work in to see it happen. I wasn't proud of my past decisions but it had happened and I had to move on.
Now I am at the point where everything that I worked hard for has been taken away. I was hurt more than everyone else by the punishment but that is something I have to deal with for the rest of my life.
I am still a host of knowledge about Counter-Strike. I will try to make all of this information available to everyone for free. It's the least I can do.
I've lied to myself about what happened and in effect I've lied to my friends, family, and supporters. I'm still grasping the severity of the situation and working to rectify it. In time I hope that in time I can be remembered for what I've given to the community and not what I've taken from it."
Now I am at the point where everything that I worked hard for has been taken away. I was hurt more than everyone else by the punishment but that is something I have to deal with for the rest of my life.
I am still a host of knowledge about Counter-Strike. I will try to make all of this information available to everyone for free. It's the least I can do.
I've lied to myself about what happened and in effect I've lied to my friends, family, and supporters. I'm still grasping the severity of the situation and working to rectify it. In time I hope that in time I can be remembered for what I've given to the community and not what I've taken from it."