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Counter-Strike: GO

Neo uttalar sig om det polska dramat

Efter uttalanden från både Mariusz "Loord" Cybulski och Wiktor "TaZ" Wojtas har den polska superstjärnan Filip "Neo" Kubski valt att skriva ner en egen text.
Tidigare kastade den före detta ESC Gaming-spelaren en kritisk text riktad mot sitt forna lag, främst riktad mot Wiktor "TaZ" Wojtas och hur han hanterat rollen som lagkapten. Därefter gav kaptenen svar på kritiken. Nu har det blivit dags för Polens mest respekterade CS-spelare att uttala sig.

Neo försvarar sin äldsta lagkamrat.

I ett inlägg på Facebook står Filip "Neo" Kubski bakom Wojtas och förklarar bland annat hur spelarbyten alltid är ett lagbeslut. Ovanpå detta uttalar han sig även om att Jakub "kuben" Gurczyński får lämna laget medan AWP-stjärnan Jarosław "pasha" Jarząbkowsk tycks gå inaktiv av äktenskapliga skäl.

Filip "Neo" Kubski:
It seems to me that some things come out of control, exactly the same as when the team left LUq. For staffing changes is not only the responsibility of one person, this is the decision of the majority of the team, or, as it did in this case-part of the stronger. I'm sorry that our disagreements come outside the ring, where they should remain. Such situations can lead to erroneous and misleading conclusions.

A misunderstanding arose a bit by my previous statement, therefore, I write its rectification, or rather supplement: problems in our team were exacerbated a long time and had already decided on its termination, if there will be results, still couldn't take the final decision. In the end, together with Viktor I found that going to a new composition and decided to part ways with kuben and Loordem. Pasha a little earlier said that goes into inactive status, due to the upcoming wedding, but on this topic needs to denounce himself. Our team had too many internal problems, so that we can safely play on.

In the same way as was the case with the removal of the same team LUq'a was and now. The Victor took responsibility and publicly speak about our situation, and yet each of us might as well be able to do it. It seems to me that a little because, once again, became the scapegoat for the whole situation. And remember-only decision changes assume as much responsibility. TaZ had too large a contribution to this team through these already almost 10 years, so that through misunderstanding to be dyskredytowanym in this way.

We experienced a lot of good years, not psujmy them in this way.

Well, it seems some things really got out of control now, more or less the same way when LUq departed the team. Changing the roster and you will never be simply the decision of a single person. It is always up to the majority, or in this case, the stronger core of players. I'm sorry to see internal matters emerge as I strongly believe they should remain within our group only. These situations mostly lead to erroneous for opinions.thnx and people drawing wrong conclusions.

It seems a misunderstanding arenose out of my previous statement, which is why I write to clarify or rather bullnose.complement contemporary kitchens: Problems and misunderstandings within our team had accumulated for a long time when we made the decision to split up in case our results wouldn't change. However, we still could not make the final decision. Eventually, Victor and I decided to build a new team and part ways with kuben and Loord. Some days earlier Pasha informed the team it is inactive due to his upcoming wedding. It's up to him to further comment on this matter. All in All, our team was suffering from way too many internal problems in order to continue competing with a positive and calm state of mind.

The same situation when we cut loose LUq simply occurred again. Victor was the one taking all responsibilities and dealing with all related public matters, yet each and every individual of our team might have done his job back then, too. It seems to me that he has once again become the scapegoat for no particular reason. Just keep in mind that I bear the same amount of responsibility in this case. TaZ contributed way too much to the development and success of the team over the nearly ten years to be discredited in this way, due to the internal problems the five of us had altogether.

We've had a great run over the years. Let's not spoil it this way.

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