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GG! Enemy was whinefree during the match, and helpfull in the warmup
since I got kicked for some texture problems. After deleting them we got the game going on nice and smoothly.
After the game, the enemy tried every possible porkhole they could find
to win this game with a conflict. Luckily we're all solid'n clean so there was no problems. :)
#1 Seriously man, you should be permanantly banned from this site. Satana mustalainen. wallpuffer. lOOler. You are not clean. And no, i didn't play the match, but unfair is unfair - and i dislike it.
The shift "moviemaking" sometimes stays on when it should go off. :)
That's why unwanted textures r sometimes found, but HEY! I got them off? Prolly pissed as hell?
No disrespect, but u guys seem pretty irrogant and selfish about one cs-match..
HF in the future
#4 Obviously you have some kind of reading disorder, since you could see that i typed "And no, i din't play the match". You had a file caleld wallpuff.spr that was modified. That file is either used as you say, in moviemaking to get more detailed graphics on the walls - or its used to make whitewalls. Since u'r from finland, i would have to asume that its the later alternative that you should go by.
The thing is, if some1 gets caught by an anti-cheat program for having modified models they should be expelled from the tournament, at least over a shorter period of time.
The rules say that there should be no midification what so ever made to the game. This means no models (besides from those who are accepted by fragbite.com) what so ever, and you had modified models, so you should have lost that game on a walkover.
Im not gonna stand arguing over intenet, cuz i will never be able to prove anything since I wasn't sitting behind you - and i wasn't able to see your screen, but finnish ppl are finnish ppl, you've allways been more lame than $1|3N7|<1||3R^P12.
And as you claim to be a moviemaker you should have udnerstood that installing 2 versions of the game on different partions of you harddrive makes it so that you never have to worry about switching configs, models and so on - but you obviously haven't.
I didn't see the match, so i can't say who was the better team. All i can say is that you guys (or at least you who had the modified models) should be expelled from the leauge.
The main point is, I didn't use anything illeagal in the match when it begun?
And who r u to judge, u didnt even play in the game like u said urself! :D
I dont give a shit if ur guy gets kicked before the game starts, as long as he doesent cheat in the match.. I've been on lan events etc.. And I can really assure that I've never used cheats on a match..
Ask the .fi cs-scene, most of them outta know who I am and what clan am I playing 4.
So until ur uglyass face is in front of mine saying that load of crap u just pulled, I suggest, go play WoW. Cs ain't ur game.
No, the mainpoint isnt that you didn't use it when the game was live - the main point is that in my oppinion there should be a "zero tolerance" against modified games. And i still don't care who you are, what random 10€ LAN-events you've placed 3rd in or that you claim to never have used a cheat on your whole life.
It feels like you don't understand where im going with the conversation. I don't want to direct any critisizm towards you (even if it might seem that way) but i want to direct it towards fragbite.com and their admins. They need to stick to their rules. There is one rule about that cs should be orignial (apart from some commands, + binds ingame), and you obviously didn't have that when you started hl.exe and connected to your opponents server.
#7 He didn'nt notice it. SSC did.
#8 I don't get what your point is. As i said before: I didn't watch the game, so I can't judge who was the better team.
#10 Still, you don't need to prove anything for me. I didn't watch the game, so I can't judge who was the better team.
And finally, to go agains your comment in #9. Just come to sweden you little twat. And another thing: I don't play counter-strike, niether do I play wow, and I never will.
Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti (Arabic: صدام حسين عبد المج&# 1610;د التك&# 1585;يتي, ṣaddām ḥusayn ʿabdu-l-maǧīd al-tikrītī[1]; born April 28, 1937[2]), was the President of Iraq from July 16, 1979 until April 9, 2003, when he was deposed in the United States-led invasion of Iraq.
As a leading member of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, which espoused secular pan-Arabism, economic modernization, and Arab socialism, Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup that brought his party to long-term power.
As vice president under his cousin, the frail General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, Saddam tightly controlled conflict between the government and the armed forces by creating repressive security forces and cementing his own firm authority over the apparatus of government.
As president, Saddam ran an authoritarian government and maintained power through the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988) and the Gulf War (1991). Saddam's government repressed movements that it deemed threatening, particularly those of ethnic or religious groups that sought independence or autonomy. While he remained a popular hero among many Arabs for standing up to Israel and the United States, some in the international community continued to view Saddam with deep suspicion following the 1991 Gulf War.
Saddam was deposed by the United States and its allies during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and captured by U.S. forces on December 13, 2003. He is currently standing trial for crimes against humanity before the Iraq Special Tribunal, which was established by the Iraqi Interim Government.
Saddam saw himself as a social revolutionary and a modernizer, following the model of Nasser, President of Egypt. To the consternation of Islamic conservatives, his government gave women added freedoms and offered them high-level government and industry jobs. Saddam also created a Western-style legal system, making Iraq the only country in the Persian Gulf region not ruled according to traditional Islamic law (Sharia). Saddam abolished the Sharia law courts, except for personal injury claims.
Domestic conflict impeded Saddam's modernizing projects. Iraqi society is divided along lines of language, religion and ethnicity; Saddam's government rested on the support of the 20% minority of largely working-class, peasant, and lower middle class Sunni Muslims, continuing a pattern that dates back at least to the British mandate authority's reliance on them as administrators.
The Shi'a majority were long a source of opposition to the government due to its secular policies, and the Ba'ath Party was increasingly concerned about potential Sh'ia Islamist influence following the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Kurds of northern Iraq (who are Sunni Muslims but not Arabs) were also permanently hostile to the Ba'athist party's Arabizing tendencies. To maintain his regime Saddam Hussein tended either to provide them with benefits so as to co-opt them into the regime, or to take repressive measures against them. The major instruments for accomplishing this control were the paramilitary and police organizations. Beginning in 1974, Taha Yassin Ramadan, a close associate of Saddam, commanded the People's Army, which was responsible for internal security. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence (Mukhabarat) was the most notorious arm of the state security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination. It was commanded by Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother. Since 1982, foreign observers believed that this department operated both at home and abroad in their mission to seek out and eliminate perceived opponents of Saddam Hussein.[7]
Saddam justified Iraqi nationalism by claiming a unique role of Iraq in the history of the Arab world. As president, Saddam made frequent references to the Abbasid period, when Baghdad was the political, cultural, and economic capital of the Arab world. He also promoted Iraq's pre-Islamic role as the ancient cradle of civilization Mesopotamia, alluding to such historical figures as Nebuchadrezzar II and Hammurabi. He devoted resources to archaeological explorations. In effect, Saddam sought to combine pan-Arabism and Iraqi nationalism, by promoting the vision of an Arab world united and led by Iraq.
As a sign of his consolidation of power, Saddam's personality cult pervaded Iraqi society. Thousands of portraits, posters, statues and murals were erected in his honor all over Iraq. His face could be seen on the sides of office buildings, schools, airports, and shops, as well as on Iraqi currency. Saddam's personality cult reflected his efforts to appeal to the various elements in Iraqi society. He appeared in the costumes of the Bedouin, the traditional clothes of the Iraqi peasant (which he essentially wore during his childhood), and even Kurdish clothing, but also appeared in Western suits, projecting the image of an urbane and modern leader. Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca.
vilden vs fRoD??? WhiHC WoulT win on cs_aim_mapM ??
I tink fRoD. He is More HANDssoum..?++++++++++++
lol vilden would lOOOSEEEEE. He has slow hand in awp ;)))
mer omogna spelare än i klan jerks får man fan leta efter.. de var hur kassa som helst när vi mötte dom, men de gnällde som fan efteråt. så fort dom vinner en match så skriver de "nice opponent", men dirr de förlorar gnäller de som fan.. :EE sopfinnar, gå o lägg er i en skrubb o dö långsamt.
"More imature players than those in klan jerks are hard to find. They really sucked when we met them, but they complained a lot afterwards. Directly after they won a game they type "nice opponent", but if they loose they just complain. :EE garbishfinnish, go lay down in a clauset and die slowely."
#9 So you really think that you're that famous? Are you really sure that ALL of the finnish cs-scene knows who you are and what clan you are playing for? I really don't hope that you guys are top10 in Finland, not because I think you guys are like 12 years old, the reason I say that is that you guys aren't good.. If thats the case, then I really have to say that the finnish skill is embarrassing..
And to the maindiscussion; If you get caught by an anticheat-programme that says you're playing with illegal models, then you should get disqualified and maybe a short tempban(depending on what file you've been caught for).
The admins should treat ALL players&teams the same, not give "better" or more famous people better treatment.
I can give you an example: Me and my team played a cup here at fragbite, and our opponents where pretty famous(threat,duell,robin,Holl ie&qns). Anyways, during the whole game they were nice, and didn't complain about anything. We won the game, 16-13. They asked about our smokeshots, and ofcourse we sent them. Then tyke(admin in #nattcup) wrote to me that we had been disqualified for illegal changes, and he meant my scoreboard which had been modified. But at that time, there weren't any rules about scoreboards, and we said that to him, but we were still disqualified. Afterwards, they changed the rules on the site, and added that you weren't allowed to change ANYTHING in Counter-Strike, except some commands.
The day after I asked Fajri(Johan|fb) what his opinion was about my scoreboard, and he said that it was OK for me to play with it. Shouldn't all admins have the same rules and tolerance? Tyke favoured Familj(threat&co) just because of their nicknames, and the fact that they are more famous than us. That's pretty fucked up imo, that kind of act doesn't belong in such a proffesional level of Cup- & League-administration as Nattcup and Fragbite.
(I'm not from England, so excuse me for my bad english :<)
it's allways fun to hear when people are dissing the finnish cs scene :DDDDDDDDDD
And wtf has you're playing background got to do with anything? :DD
U really think that i'd give a shit about all that crap u've pulled here? :D
so i'll leave this as my last comment on this shitlist an keep u writing books
here if u want.
#26 You are just to stupid to argue back, face it. And don't think to high about yourself and your clan, you really ain't that good as it seems that you think..
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since I got kicked for some texture problems. After deleting them we got the game going on nice and smoothly.
After the game, the enemy tried every possible porkhole they could find
to win this game with a conflict. Luckily we're all solid'n clean so there was no problems. :)
That's why unwanted textures r sometimes found, but HEY! I got them off? Prolly pissed as hell?
No disrespect, but u guys seem pretty irrogant and selfish about one cs-match..
HF in the future
btw #kjStudios ;))))
The thing is, if some1 gets caught by an anti-cheat program for having modified models they should be expelled from the tournament, at least over a shorter period of time.
The rules say that there should be no midification what so ever made to the game. This means no models (besides from those who are accepted by fragbite.com) what so ever, and you had modified models, so you should have lost that game on a walkover.
Im not gonna stand arguing over intenet, cuz i will never be able to prove anything since I wasn't sitting behind you - and i wasn't able to see your screen, but finnish ppl are finnish ppl, you've allways been more lame than $1|3N7|<1||3R^P12.
And as you claim to be a moviemaker you should have udnerstood that installing 2 versions of the game on different partions of you harddrive makes it so that you never have to worry about switching configs, models and so on - but you obviously haven't.
I didn't see the match, so i can't say who was the better team. All i can say is that you guys (or at least you who had the modified models) should be expelled from the leauge.
And who r u to judge, u didnt even play in the game like u said urself! :D
I dont give a shit if ur guy gets kicked before the game starts, as long as he doesent cheat in the match.. I've been on lan events etc.. And I can really assure that I've never used cheats on a match..
Ask the .fi cs-scene, most of them outta know who I am and what clan am I playing 4.
So until ur uglyass face is in front of mine saying that load of crap u just pulled, I suggest, go play WoW. Cs ain't ur game.
It feels like you don't understand where im going with the conversation. I don't want to direct any critisizm towards you (even if it might seem that way) but i want to direct it towards fragbite.com and their admins. They need to stick to their rules. There is one rule about that cs should be orignial (apart from some commands, + binds ingame), and you obviously didn't have that when you started hl.exe and connected to your opponents server.
#7 He didn'nt notice it. SSC did.
#8 I don't get what your point is. As i said before: I didn't watch the game, so I can't judge who was the better team.
#10 Still, you don't need to prove anything for me. I didn't watch the game, so I can't judge who was the better team.
And finally, to go agains your comment in #9. Just come to sweden you little twat. And another thing: I don't play counter-strike, niether do I play wow, and I never will.
As a leading member of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, which espoused secular pan-Arabism, economic modernization, and Arab socialism, Saddam played a key role in the 1968 coup that brought his party to long-term power.
As vice president under his cousin, the frail General Ahmed Hassan al-Bakr, Saddam tightly controlled conflict between the government and the armed forces by creating repressive security forces and cementing his own firm authority over the apparatus of government.
As president, Saddam ran an authoritarian government and maintained power through the Iran-Iraq War (1980–1988) and the Gulf War (1991). Saddam's government repressed movements that it deemed threatening, particularly those of ethnic or religious groups that sought independence or autonomy. While he remained a popular hero among many Arabs for standing up to Israel and the United States, some in the international community continued to view Saddam with deep suspicion following the 1991 Gulf War.
Saddam was deposed by the United States and its allies during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and captured by U.S. forces on December 13, 2003. He is currently standing trial for crimes against humanity before the Iraq Special Tribunal, which was established by the Iraqi Interim Government.
Domestic conflict impeded Saddam's modernizing projects. Iraqi society is divided along lines of language, religion and ethnicity; Saddam's government rested on the support of the 20% minority of largely working-class, peasant, and lower middle class Sunni Muslims, continuing a pattern that dates back at least to the British mandate authority's reliance on them as administrators.
The Shi'a majority were long a source of opposition to the government due to its secular policies, and the Ba'ath Party was increasingly concerned about potential Sh'ia Islamist influence following the Iranian Revolution of 1979. The Kurds of northern Iraq (who are Sunni Muslims but not Arabs) were also permanently hostile to the Ba'athist party's Arabizing tendencies. To maintain his regime Saddam Hussein tended either to provide them with benefits so as to co-opt them into the regime, or to take repressive measures against them. The major instruments for accomplishing this control were the paramilitary and police organizations. Beginning in 1974, Taha Yassin Ramadan, a close associate of Saddam, commanded the People's Army, which was responsible for internal security. As the Ba'ath Party's paramilitary, the People's Army acted as a counterweight against any coup attempts by the regular armed forces. In addition to the People's Army, the Department of General Intelligence (Mukhabarat) was the most notorious arm of the state security system, feared for its use of torture and assassination. It was commanded by Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's younger half-brother. Since 1982, foreign observers believed that this department operated both at home and abroad in their mission to seek out and eliminate perceived opponents of Saddam Hussein.[7]
Saddam justified Iraqi nationalism by claiming a unique role of Iraq in the history of the Arab world. As president, Saddam made frequent references to the Abbasid period, when Baghdad was the political, cultural, and economic capital of the Arab world. He also promoted Iraq's pre-Islamic role as the ancient cradle of civilization Mesopotamia, alluding to such historical figures as Nebuchadrezzar II and Hammurabi. He devoted resources to archaeological explorations. In effect, Saddam sought to combine pan-Arabism and Iraqi nationalism, by promoting the vision of an Arab world united and led by Iraq.
As a sign of his consolidation of power, Saddam's personality cult pervaded Iraqi society. Thousands of portraits, posters, statues and murals were erected in his honor all over Iraq. His face could be seen on the sides of office buildings, schools, airports, and shops, as well as on Iraqi currency. Saddam's personality cult reflected his efforts to appeal to the various elements in Iraqi society. He appeared in the costumes of the Bedouin, the traditional clothes of the Iraqi peasant (which he essentially wore during his childhood), and even Kurdish clothing, but also appeared in Western suits, projecting the image of an urbane and modern leader. Sometimes he would also be portrayed as a devout Muslim, wearing full headdress and robe, praying toward Mecca.
I tink fRoD. He is More HANDssoum..?++++++++++++
lol vilden would lOOOSEEEEE. He has slow hand in awp ;)))
"More imature players than those in klan jerks are hard to find. They really sucked when we met them, but they complained a lot afterwards. Directly after they won a game they type "nice opponent", but if they loose they just complain. :EE garbishfinnish, go lay down in a clauset and die slowely."
And to the maindiscussion; If you get caught by an anticheat-programme that says you're playing with illegal models, then you should get disqualified and maybe a short tempban(depending on what file you've been caught for).
The admins should treat ALL players&teams the same, not give "better" or more famous people better treatment.
I can give you an example: Me and my team played a cup here at fragbite, and our opponents where pretty famous(threat,duell,robin,Holl ie&qns). Anyways, during the whole game they were nice, and didn't complain about anything. We won the game, 16-13. They asked about our smokeshots, and ofcourse we sent them. Then tyke(admin in #nattcup) wrote to me that we had been disqualified for illegal changes, and he meant my scoreboard which had been modified. But at that time, there weren't any rules about scoreboards, and we said that to him, but we were still disqualified. Afterwards, they changed the rules on the site, and added that you weren't allowed to change ANYTHING in Counter-Strike, except some commands.
The day after I asked Fajri(Johan|fb) what his opinion was about my scoreboard, and he said that it was OK for me to play with it. Shouldn't all admins have the same rules and tolerance? Tyke favoured Familj(threat&co) just because of their nicknames, and the fact that they are more famous than us. That's pretty fucked up imo, that kind of act doesn't belong in such a proffesional level of Cup- & League-administration as Nattcup and Fragbite.
(I'm not from England, so excuse me for my bad english :<)
it's allways fun to hear when people are dissing the finnish cs scene :DDDDDDDDDD
And wtf has you're playing background got to do with anything? :DD
U really think that i'd give a shit about all that crap u've pulled here? :D
so i'll leave this as my last comment on this shitlist an keep u writing books
here if u want.
n1 but if we lose u can see we dont whine if something strange dont happen during the match :=