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#41, I never said that.. but we actually have a team which is top 10 in the world; catch gamer.. which generally places in top 5. And we have teams which is evolving, like aftermath and xlnz. The point is: We used to suck bigtime some years ago, and now we actually have the potential to win over some swedish top teams. And you sir.. can't handle that, so you start talking crap about kunfigure..
#46 which of the comments don't you agree with in the #43 post? OK, I could have dropped the accusation at the bottom. I'm just assuming he thinks that..
#44ggz, and look what your favorite team, sk.swe are doing, loosing and loosing every match they are playing by some randoms from east-europe and of some skilled as catch and aftermath.. The only good sweeden team is NIP... By the way, I guess you are 12 years or less, if not you got to be one of the other stupid sweedish kids that just keep talking about that sweden is the best cs-country in the world
please answer your......
#47 I don't think that the Norwegian scene is evolving too much from the past, what about eoLithic and spacebar and so on? I think they were bigger threats than CG, aftermath or eXcellence.
Although, aftermath are better than CG imo.
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mr 3 då
btw det heter mibr inte mirb.
H2k.Aftermath | KF3 killed [mibr.cogu] with m4a1
*** H2k.Aftermath | KF3 killed [mibr.kikoooo] with a headshot from m4a1 ***
H2k.Aftermath | KF3 killed [mibr.fnx] with m4a1
H2k.Aftermath | KF3 killed [mibr.nak] with m4a1
H2k.Aftermath | KF3 killed [mibr.bruno] with
no name som spelar en bra match, kul för honom i guess
Helt OK
Du vann 787 bite(s)!
eller vänta nu...
just look at team firat coming so close to beating your best team that is top 5 in the world lol
Except for that aftermath aren't nonamers, but alot of people still thinks of them as semi-pro.
please answer your......
Being professional means you have a stable income because of what you're doing.. Doesn't matter what skill-level you're at.
I'm just saying that aftermath are a good team and well underrated by the scene.
Although, aftermath are better than CG imo.