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2022 Pinnacle Winter Series 3


28 Februari 2022 - 16 Mars 2022


The 2022 Pinnacle Winter season series 3 is an online CSGO tournament featuring notable teams from Europe it was organized by Relog Media and GRID with a prize pool of $84,000.


The Regional swiss stage format is composed of 16 teams all matches are best-of-three series and the top 8 teams proceed to the Main Swiss Stage.

The Main Swiss Stage is composed of 16 teams all matches are best-of-three series, Top 8 teams proceed to Playoffs

Playoffs will be played in a single-elimination bracket format all matches are best-of-three series.

Toplist bites won

1 kiMzki 1 672
2 Armon 1 438
3 jockz 4 150
4 slo0op 5 -328
5 Davoo^ 2 -363

Toplist correct bets

1 jockz 4 2 (50%)
2 slo0op 5 2 (40%)
3 Davoo^ 2 1 (50%)
4 Armon 1 1 (100%)
5 kiMzki 1 1 (100%)


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Upcoming matches

No upcoming matches

Played matches

bracket - Bracket for 4 teams (2 rounds)

Round 1 (Semi finals)

Round 2 (Finals)

Event overview

28 Februari 2022 - 16 Mars 2022
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


The 2022 Pinnacle Winter season series 3 is an online CSGO tournament featuring notable teams from Europe it was organized by Relog Media and GRID with a prize pool of $84,000.


The Regional swiss stage format is composed of 16 teams all matches are best-of-three series and the top 8 teams proceed to the Main Swiss Stage.

The Main Swiss Stage is composed of 16 teams all matches are best-of-three series, Top 8 teams proceed to Playoffs

Playoffs will be played in a single-elimination bracket format all matches are best-of-three series.

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