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Regarding the recent 1.6 / CS:GO flame-war

Regardless if you think that 1.6 still is the superior game to CS:GO we need to realise that CS:GO is the only alternative for the Counter-Strike.
scene and FPS-scene in today's professional gaming. Interpret me correctly, I still
think that 1.6 is a bit more fun and I strongly doubt that I will ever
find a game that I will grow to love more. But honestly, there are
no major tournaments remaining and getting sponsorships is so hard that the
good players struggle to even get to the few events that remain and the pool
of active gamers within 1.6 is decreasing per day. Counter-strike 1.6 will become a casual-game, and I for one will always play it! But within the E-sport scene the game is pretty much vanished, even though we are trying to hold onto it!

CS:GO offers an unique oppertunity for the people who LOVES Counter-strike
and FPS-games in E-sports! IF Valve just keep on developting in the same rate
as they have been since the first beta we are heading for a great game with the
same class as 1.6; and they are already on the right track!

And Imagine that this is happening along side the transaction from both the
CS:Source Scene and the CoD-Scene to CS:GO. IF they all decide to switch over to
CS:GO the player pool will be absolutly ENORMOUS and just like Dreamhack all the
major event will start paying loads of attention to the CS:GO scene! All creds to
Dreamhack, for being the big entrepreneurs within E-Sports as they are!
How incredible wouldn't this be for the Counter-Strike scene? A vast amounth of
new talents will arise and become the new f0rest or Neo, most likely some of
the people reading this post will be there! The oppertunities are major and I'm
so extremtly hyped!

Another thing that I'm extremly nervous over is my team(NiP)'s first performance
in a tournament this weekend on Inferno-Online; I'm already standing there shaking
when I'm watching them bootcamp and I can tell you that they will not get any
calmer during tomorrow or on Sunday! Even though the guys have been practising
like crazy we need to remember that they game is COMPLETELY new and anything can happen!

It will be really exciting and I hope that you will follow the tournament!

Have a nice weekend!

Best regards,

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