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Flowskola secures grand final spot — Fragleague Top Division

The first semi final of Fragleague Top Division was played this sunday between Flowskola and Kombucha. The winner will face SJ Gaming or Lyngby Vikings in the final.
The game started on Train where Flowskola went out hard on the t-side with seven rounds in a row. Kombucha started getting rounds after that and quickly went up to seven rounds before half time. Flowskola won the second pistol round and then started shutting down both bomb sites. Flowskola went up to thirteen rounds before Kombucha started a good attempt of a comeback. Kombucha went up to twelve rounds and were really close getting the thirteenth and with that have momentum towards the last rounds. But Flowskola won the last rounds and the game with 16-12.

The second map of the day was Dust2. Kombucha won the first pistol round and the upcoming two rounds. Flowskola came back with five fast t-rounds and looked hard to stop. Kombucha won a few more rounds but the first half was all about Flowskola. 10-5 to Flowskola at half time. Flowskola won the pistol round on their ct-side and quickly went up to fourteen rounds. Joel "joel" Holmlund had a brilliant game, and was a big part of Flowskolas success. Kombucha went up to ten rounds, and were close to making a comeback. Flowskola were too good this day and therefore closed the map down with 16-10. 2-0 to Flowskola who advances to the grand final!

The next semi-final will be played November 29th between SJ Gaming and Lyngby Vikings. The game will as always be streamed on twitch.tv/fragbite.

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