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Quickmatch win Fragleague Season 3

After nine weeks of play the winners of Fragleague Season 3 PUBG have been determined. It is Quickmath who once again secures the win. The team who now have secured the prize of 5 000 euro have however decided to disband.
Yesterday, Sunday the 9th, the last game of Fragleague Season 3 was played. Quickmath went in to the match as favorites with their 274 points. Hakkapeliitas and Granit where not far behind though. In the first game both Quickmath and Hakka managed to make the top 3, even getting the same amount of points, 12. In the second game Hakka went out in ninth place with only 1 point. Instead Granit finished second with 15 points, taking them up to second place. Quite a bit far behind Quickmath who secured another 5 points that game.

The match now seemed more like a second place decider between Hakka and Granit. In the third game Quickmatch secured a second place with 13 points. With them now having 304 points the season looked to be in their hands. The second place however was still up in the air. Hakka managed to win the third game and secured 14 points. Granit went out in eighth place with only two points. Going in the last game Hakka now had 277 points, 10 points ahead of Granit.

The final game was a rough one for Hakkapeliitas. They got eliminated in ninth place with only one point. Granit now had a perfect opportunity to secure the second place. They looked strong but they got eliminated in fifth place with seven points, not enough for second place. The game was fittingly won by Quickmatch who secured their back to back win of Fragleague. Quickmath have since announced that this was the teams last tournament together.

Final Standings
1. Quickmath — 321 points — 5 000 euro
2. SverigeHakkapeliitas — 279 points — 2 000 euro
3. Granit — 275 points — 1 600 euro
4. YMCA eSports — 259 points — 1 200 euro
5. Team Clueless — 246 points — 800 euro
6. Meet Your Makers — 234 points
7. DanmarkTempus — 226 points
8. Where Team — 223 points
9. FinlandVarjoveljet — 183 points
10. Stellar — 183 points
11. Who Are You — 157 points
12. FinlandIsey Skyr Esport — 148 points
13. EuropaOnliners — 120 points
14. SverigeTiltcentralen — 99 points
15. FinlandStraightToStar — 97 points
16. EuropaH1T — 89 points

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