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Quickmath are the winners of Fragleague S2: PUBG

There was never any question about who the best team of the season was. Quickmath dominates the Alpha Group throughout the season, and fairly takes home the first place prize of 60 000 SEK.
All the way from the beginning of the season, Finnish side Quickmath has dominated the Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group. Even though the Finns missed out on week #5, they were never close to losing their number one spot. They have shown off great play, and they've got a solid core of players. To highlight one player, it would be Miska "Mise" Malkamäki, who have massed a total of 66 kills over the whole season and always been a lethal weapon for Quickmath. In the final week of the Alpha Group, Quickmath finished in a solid third place, right behind Elgiganten Gaming and Team Clueless. Quickmath ends their season on a total of 3310 points, which is 730 points more than second place team 556 Mafia. 556 Mafia who were the main contenders throughout the season.

For winning the Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group, Quickmath will receive the first prize of 60 000 SEK. 556 Mafia in second place wins 30 000 SEK and Team Clueless in third place will walk away with 18 000 SEK. For more information about the prizes, go to Fragleague. Huge congratulations to Quickmath for becoming the champions of Fragleague: PUBG Alpha Group, and a big thank you to all the teams who participated in this season of Fragleague.

Artikelbild: Quickmath

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