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Känt online kortspel [Hearthstone]

Postat av Slothified den 11 Juni 2019, 08:26
1 kommentarer · 468 träffar
Have you played Yu-gi-oh? how about Pokemon cards when you're young?
It is like that but online. No need for you to meet with your friends just to play card games, you can easily play with them via computer or phone. Now, let me introduce to you Hearthstone!

So what is Hearthstone?

Hearthstone is a Heroes of Warcraft, a collectiable-card game (CCG). It was made by Blizzard, same company that established Warcraft and Overwatch. The game mechanics were very simple, all you have to do is to win using your deck of cards. They have different modes of game such as Tavern Brawl, Arena, Wild, and etc. but they're not RPG.

Now, what made it popular?

Because it is simple, simplicity attracted communities. They don't require thinking and understanding at a mile, you can easily read the effects of the card and how it works by waiting for other players to take their turns. Since then, massive communities of Hearthstone managed to get popular with gameplay streams on Youtube and Twitch for example, Kripparrian. Other communities made their own established site just to share their inventions of their decks and some created/joined competitions like HCT championship and World Cyber Games 2019.

Should you play Hearthstone?

I won't try to push you just to play this game but here's a gameplay for you to check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfsqZR5EoVU&t=1881s
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