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Søger gamere til BETA test af esport platform

Postat av Deuce2tm den 15 Augusti 2019, 23:01
1 kommentarer · 504 träffar
Hoppas att det är ok jag fortsätter på engelska.. :-)

We are 2 The Max, and we are currently looking for gamers to BETA test our website!

2 The Max is an esports platform which is hosting the content provided by real-world experts within fields such as psychology, physiotherapy, and nutrition.
Most of whom already have proven tracks records with top athletes from other sports.

Our goal is to provide you with a way to improve your fundamentals through educational content.
We have articles, videos, audio and tools to help you on your way.

The goal of the BETA is to test the functionality of the site and the general content.
You can apply via our Google Form: https://forms.gle/KffmEvucLRB1mdMFA
The application will only take two minutes to fill out.

Hope to hear from you as we would really like some feedback from our Swedish neighbors! Thanks! :-)

Best regards,
Morten 'Deuce' Hoegsbaek
2 The Max

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