Postat av Ford Prefect den 4 December 2014, 22:06
1 kommentarer · 382 träffar
Jag är död, och bör därför inte ta mitt liv. För om jag gör det finns det bara en skillnad. Det är att jag inte kan återupplivas. Så därför ska jag "leva"(vara död) och ha chansen att återupplivas, istället för att vara död(bokstavligen) och inte ha chansen att upplivas.
Jag lider av dissociation. Så här är det ungefär:
"For some, depersonalization is at its worst in the first hours of the day after
they wake up and still feel sleepy, and it lessens as they feel more alert over
the course of the day."
"like staring in the mirror so long that you no longer recognize your face"
"It feels like I get through my job/school using about "10%" of my brain capacity.
"nothing is real"
"It's more than daydreaming. Im too aware of the certain larger aspects of reality."
"Being human seems strange, bodily functions seem bizarre. . . .
My thoughts seem separate from my body. At times, the most common, familiar
objects can seem foreign, as if I am looking at them for the first time"
"I know that there's something wrong with me, and all it does is fill me with fear,"
"For me, it can be a very visual experience. It's like I'm wearing glasses that I can't see through, like there is a zipper to unzip."
"I describe myself as numb, and I cant cry even when I want to."
"When DPD is at it worst, i feels like world, the space and the time does not exist"
"My DPD is constant, chronic"
Feelings: "I want to feel things like everyone else again, but I'm
deadened and numb. I can laugh or cry but it's intellectual, my
muscles move but I feel nothing."
Body: "I feel like I'm not here, I'm floating around. A separate part
of me is aware of all my movements; it's like I've left my body.
Even when I'm talking I don't feel like it is my words:'
Mind: "My mind and my body are somehow not connected, it's
like my body is doing one thing and my mind is saying another.
Like my mind is somewrhere off to the back, not inside
my body."
Vision: "It's like glass over my eyes, a visual fog totally flat and
Agency (feeling in control of one's actions): "I feel I'm not really
here, I'm distant. I'm going through the motions like a robot."
"I have no-self"
Någon som ha diagnostiserats med Derealisation/Depersonalisation? Jag ska ha en utredning om 2 månader.
Jag lider av dissociation. Så här är det ungefär:
"For some, depersonalization is at its worst in the first hours of the day after
they wake up and still feel sleepy, and it lessens as they feel more alert over
the course of the day."
"like staring in the mirror so long that you no longer recognize your face"
"It feels like I get through my job/school using about "10%" of my brain capacity.
"nothing is real"
"It's more than daydreaming. Im too aware of the certain larger aspects of reality."
"Being human seems strange, bodily functions seem bizarre. . . .
My thoughts seem separate from my body. At times, the most common, familiar
objects can seem foreign, as if I am looking at them for the first time"
"I know that there's something wrong with me, and all it does is fill me with fear,"
"For me, it can be a very visual experience. It's like I'm wearing glasses that I can't see through, like there is a zipper to unzip."
"I describe myself as numb, and I cant cry even when I want to."
"When DPD is at it worst, i feels like world, the space and the time does not exist"
"My DPD is constant, chronic"
Feelings: "I want to feel things like everyone else again, but I'm
deadened and numb. I can laugh or cry but it's intellectual, my
muscles move but I feel nothing."
Body: "I feel like I'm not here, I'm floating around. A separate part
of me is aware of all my movements; it's like I've left my body.
Even when I'm talking I don't feel like it is my words:'
Mind: "My mind and my body are somehow not connected, it's
like my body is doing one thing and my mind is saying another.
Like my mind is somewrhere off to the back, not inside
my body."
Vision: "It's like glass over my eyes, a visual fog totally flat and
Agency (feeling in control of one's actions): "I feel I'm not really
here, I'm distant. I'm going through the motions like a robot."
"I have no-self"
Någon som ha diagnostiserats med Derealisation/Depersonalisation? Jag ska ha en utredning om 2 månader.