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mibr gör sig av med elemeNt

För ett tag sedan avslöjades det att det norskamerikanska laget NoA sålt en av sina spelare, elemeNt, till det brasilianska laget mibr. Nu, en tid efter köpet, har mibr valt att låta elemeNt lämna laget.
mibr placerade sig på en femte- till sjätteplats på CPL Barcelona för inte speciellt länge sedan efter en tät match mot svenska Ninjas in Pyjamas. Uppenbarligen var samarbetsförmågan hos elemeNt inte på topp. Enligt en tidigare överenskommelse var det tänkt att Ola ’elemeNt’ Moum skulle komma till Brasilien för ett träningsläger tillsammans med resten av laget. Dessvärre var suget att åka till Brasilien inte så stort som hoppats. Ola hade istället åsikten att fyra dagars träning skulle räcka för laget, vilket organisationen och lagets övriga spelare var skeptiska till. Detta har i sin tur lett till att han får lämna laget.

Nedan finner ni ett uttalande som publicerats på mibrs webbsida:
The question of professionalism in e-sports is really a very serious one. There was no way of convincing elemeNt that traveling a lot is not acceptable as an excuse for his not coming to Brazil, as previously agreed at the time he was contracted. The fact is, on being summoned for the All Star Game to be held in Los Angeles between the 18th and 21st May, Ola thought he should only come to Brazil after the event, i.e., he would arrive here for training and participation in the CPL Brazil World Tour as from May 23 – with 4 days for training, and attempting, at least, to minimize the team`s biggest problem – communications. Only with sufficiently intensive training could the problem become less serious, and the team`s administration could not agree with Ola`s position.

By way of illustration, last round mibr 14-15 NiP, bomb planted, Pava and elemeNt against Ahl. Pava is killed by Ahl and advises elemeNt: “PORTA”. Since Ola had not familiarized himself with anything in Portuguese and Pava was not used to saying “DOOR” instead of “PORTA”, elemeNt remained on watch at the window, with the expected result – obviously without detracting from Ahl´s merit in the move.

These small details could be corrected with 10 to 15 days´ intensive training. The team´s management advised elemeNt to request the All Star Game organization that its ticket be issued for Rio – LA – Rio, instead of Oslo – LA – Oslo, and that it turn its sights toward Rio. The initial agreement did not even foresee Ola´s leaving Barcelona and going to Norway, however, since he alleged the need to settle some private affairs, he was given one week to do so. The team´s management uses and abuses good sense.

It´s a pity. The team had everything to get ahead. It´s also a shame that several apocalyptic prophets were right about the forecast of a very short stay in mibr for elemeNt. It´s also a shame that, in practice, the xenophobia practiced by a few is even incited by episodes such as this one.

Let´s banish all regrets and get on with work. It´s not just any element will make us give up.
Kvarvarande medlemmar i mibr är nu:
  • cogu
  • KIKO
  • pred
  • Pava
Källa: mibr

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