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quick fortsätter karriären med QPAD

QPAD offentliggjorde idag att quick, känd främst för sin tid i Adrenaline (esu.swe, team9) och A-laget, kommer att fortsätta sin karriär som professionell spelare hos QPAD. quicks nya roll är inte vad vi är vana vid att kalla för progaming, men han livnär sig på sitt spelande så visst måste det falla under den rubriken.
Som ni kanske har sett på bilder från till exempel Optihack, The Gathering och Dreamhack brukar quick anta 1on1-utmaningar på aim_map. Motståndarna belönas med priser i förhållande till deras prestationer. Hittills har quick gått 500 matcher och bara förlorat 4.

Tillställningen kallas för "Q-tour" och har hittills bara varit experimentellt, men nu drar det alltså igång på riktigt. quick kommer att få betalt för att utveckla och driva idén samt självklart även spela matcherna. Man utlovar dessutom gästspelare som vi nog kan räkna med är av någorlunda hög kvalitet.

Vilket evenemang vi ser quick på härnäst har man inte uttalat sig om än, men om man följer samma mönster som tidigare torde Rixhack vara en gissning med låga odds.

Pressmeddelandet från QPAD ser ut så här:
Quick is back as a pro gamer. Now on the Q-tour!

What is there left to do when you have traveled around the world, boot camped for months in foreign countries, fought all the battles and always gone that extra mile for final victory? Start to work on McDonalds? Go back to school? Be a lawyer? Or…

quick is known from world famous Counter-Strike teams such as A-laget, team9 and Adrenaline. It was with team9 that he became the world champion at ESWC in 2003. He was known to be one of the best and quickest AWP players in the world. But all that was now some time ago and all sagas must come to an end.. or don’t they?

quick is now back on stage with the Q-tour, committed to share what he knows best with the gaming community.

You have probably all heard of pro gamer shoot-outs before but they are usually played on platforms like painkiller and Quake. What would you think of something based on the platform we all love; Counter-Strike? The Q-tour is a free competition for prizes and is a fun way to test your skills in Counter Strike against quick. The more frags you get the better prizes of course. The Q-Tour is all this and much more.

According to QPAD who started the Q-tour, quick will be responsible for developing and organizing the tour and of course also play the exhibition matches and be there on the LANs to meet you. Q-tour can already now reveal that quick from time to time will bring along secret guest players from past and present. More info will come soon.

Q-tour has so far been only on trial. But the huge success on Dreamhack, Optihack, The Summit and The Gathering has showed us that gamers on LANs really appreciate The Q-tour and the entertainment it provides. So far a total of 500 people have challenged quick and only 4 people have managed to win over him.

Keep your eyes open, the Q-tour may come to your town next.

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