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Begrip tillbaka med ny uppställning

På sätt och vis i vilket fall. Laget som presenterades för någon vecka sedan bestående av spelare från gamla Gamers.nu, IsKall från EYE och Zad från före detta Ownage var tänkt att endast spela med Begripnamnet under CPL Winter. Nu har de alltså blivit ett officiellt lag som ska spela ihop i framtiden, även efter vinterns CPL-evenemang, under Begrips fana.
I och med att IsKall nu har gått med i Begrip som fulltidsmedlem så har han lagt sommarens CPL-mästare EYE bakom sig. Den uppställning som gäller och det pressmeddelande Begrip har släppt angående nutid och framtid finns nedan.


  • IsKall (EYE)
  • cArn (Gamers.nu)
  • Calippo (Gamers.nu)
  • dsn (Gamers.nu)
  • Zad (Ownage)
  • Legenden (inaktiv)

Karlskrona, November 19, 2004: Begrip Gaming today officially announces their new Counter-Strike team. This team is composed of renowned players that have been competing in the professional scene between 3-5 years. Our goal is that of many professional teams; to make every effort to reach that glorious 1st place at every event we set our sights to battle in.
Below is the lineup as it will be presented at the Winter 2004 Cyber Athlete® Extreme World Championships, as well as other future events.

  • Fredrik “Iskall” Persson

    - A brutal aim that has dismantled the best teams in the world with smart and creative tactics.
  • Patrik “Carn” Sättermon
    - Few teams can pride themselves to have such fine leadership.
  • Jonas “Calippo” Nilsson
    - Where others need energy drinks to boost their morality, Calippo is the “real” thing and then some.
  • Harley “Dsn” Örwall

    - Not having many friends is now understandable – his in-game USP and AWP control seems to qualify as the main reason.
  • Conny “Zad” Ryderholm
    - An offensive tactical genius with exceptional gaming skills.
  • Stefan “Legenden” Nordberg
    - A very loyal and extremely skilled member of our prestigious family.

    On Fredrik “Iskall” Persson’s behalf, Begrip Gaming would like to clear out a specific rumor that has been floating through our community. Iskall was never in two teams at the same time! His dedication, reputation and professionalism are earned characteristics and lucid signs that contradict this absurd gossip. Furthermore, Iskall feels that confusing the community is an insult to everyone in it and he salutes those who expressed their views regarding this lamentable situation. As it appears, this was a misunderstanding from his previous team’s administration during the negotiation period. Needless to say, Iskall is a very important piece of Begrip Gaming, we acknowledge and congratulate his success and are delighted to have him represent our organization. We would also like to thank EGA for their impeccable support in putting this team together and our looking forward with great desire to our future endeavors.

    ≡ Unity is the key for our community’s success ≡

    Begrip Gaming:
    - http://www.begrip-gaming.com
    - #Begrip (Quakenet and Gamesurge)
    - http://www.sitenotreadyyet.com
    - #EGA-Inc (Quakenet and Gamesurge)
  • Källa: NordicGamers.se

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