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GeT_RiGhT: "En person ringde hem till mina föräldrar nästan varje natt"

Via Twitter berättar Ninjas in Pyjamas Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund om en händelse som etsat sig fast i hans minne. Historian handlar om hur hans mamma valde att finnas där för en hatare han mött via ett onlinespel.
Näthat och nätmobbning har uppmärksammats via Twitter i samband med att North röt till under måndagen. Flera organisationer och spelare har under de senaste 20 timmarna lyft Norths tweet samt berättat om sina egna erfarenheter. Under tisdagsförmiddagen slöt Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund upp vid Norths sida genom att berätta om ett minne han än idag kommer ihåg i detalj.

I think a lot of different pros have their own stories of this. I’m gonna open about one I do remember to this day. This is before CSGO so I’m not sure if it’s because of gambling or such. There was a person who called almost every night when I lived with my parents still, around 03/04 in the morning (landline) and asked where I was.

My mother, who was kind enough (not sure still though) answered every night (she’s like me back then, being up all night). She didn’t tell me about this till months passed and I asked her what this person wanted. She said this person wanted to talk to me, even though I had almost moved out from the family house... but she never told this person if I was home or still lived there.

In the beginning, she felt this person was mad but eventually came to the conclusion he will not talk to me no matter who much he was calling or such. Eventually, it was kind of a “routine” for my mother to speak to him. For that time, I didn’t think about it till later when I got older and asked my mother if she really got to understand why he called.

She basically understood that he was mad about a game I have played and he wanted to say out his frustration about it. To me personally. So I asked her since she answered every night, this is the landline and not like a mobile (you can just block it or just unplug the line) and she answered it was to make him to feel better and drop it and move on. I think after I didn’t ask so much about it even though I heard the phone call (it was almost at the time every night you know) I understood my mother was kind enough to in a way talk other things with him instead of what he wanted really.

So I asked her, why she put up with it and just kept doing it. Simple answer: He was a lost man that needed someone to talk to and she felt if she wasn’t there something bad will happened (not to us though, more for him). I do think of him sometimes, what happened after the phone calls stopped you know? Since nowadays no one uses a landline, even my parents! I’m not gonna go into more details about how he said at the beginning of those calls (I believe people can imagine what words he used).

I think we never got a name of him, but small information where he kinda lived but that’s about it. I do have other stories about “letters”, messages online, other calls and what more, but that’s the one that’s closes to my mind because we live in this world together. We live in a world (esport gaming etc) and we all do it for the love of it no? So don’t just don’t wish someone to die because they “lost you money” or you think they are “terrible” because X/Y reason. It’s never helping. Never.

I’m gonna stop here since I believed I talked about one thing and another thing that made a little no sense? Oh well... Ehm... Let’s now look on this beauty game called CSGO and enjoy the games that’s live now!

För den som inte orkar läsa igenom hela texten berättar GeT_RiGhT att där var en kille som ringde varje natt till numret han hade när han växte upp, samtal som hans mamma fick ta emot. När han flera år senare frågade sin mamma om vad killen ville så förklarade hon att hon förstod att han var sur över något som hänt in-game. Trots att hon hade kunnat ignorera samtalen valde hon trots allt att svara, för hon ville att han skulle må bättre för att släppa det hela. Hon uppfattade killen som vilsen och "förlorad", därför ville hon finnas där för honom.

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