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Liquid Ice – ny finsk klan med potential

För inte så längesedan skrev vi om att diGitaL lämnat xPerience.se för att starta upp en ny finsk klan. Nu har man offentliggjort namnet på den nya klanen, vilket är Liquid Ice. Vilka som utgör det nya laget ser ni nedan:
  • alfa (ig3l, hashpipe, ocrana.fi, team-finland)
  • diGitaL (xP.se, ocrana.fi, MSD, ig3l, team-finland)
  • Melvin (ig3l, ocrana.fi, MSD,team-finland)
  • natu (ironZion, allstars, IDDQD)
  • Tico (ocrana.fi, hashpipe, MSD, ig3l, team-finland)
  • Guardian (hashpipe, ig3l)
  • vfak (ocrana.fi, ewok)

natu lämnade nyligen ironZion för att gå över till Liquid Ice och diGitaL gjorde alltså det samma när han lämnade xPerience.se tidigare idag. Så här skriver spelarna själva om sitt nya lag:
Two months ago a lot of changes were happening in the Finnish clan scene. With the death of ig3l and ocrana.fi many could only guess what were the reasons and what was happening. Tico and Alfa wanted to make a new clan, that could compete on international level not like the other Finnish clans at the time. They heard that also DiGitaL and Melvin had had the same type of thoughts. All of them play in Team Finland so they knew that the team would work and there for they tried the line-up in a few PCWs. The results were good so the four decided to make it a real clan. It wasn't as easy as excepted to find a fifth player who would fit in to this group with the skill, dedication and experience that was required. After testing players for a long period of time we came across Natu, who seemed to fit the team well. So there for we announce a new Finnish Counter-Strike team born: alfa, diGitaL, Melvin, natu, Tico and as 6. Guardian. Also we will have one inactive player in our team who is our old pal from Ocrana.fi, vfak.
Laget ser ut att ha alla möjligheter för att nå sina mål. Det ska bli mycket roligt att se ett finskt lag som har något att hämta internationellt, om nu LQi har det.

Ytterligare information finner ni i vår korta intervju med alfa nedan, som Velox gjorde.

Tell me, how far are you aiming with this team?

We made the team because we wanted to attend lan events around the world, we aim at lan events both in europe/usa. How well we do I dont know yet but the induvidual skill should be good enough for a good finnish clan.

Okay, but do you got sponsors enough so you can manage to attend those kind of events?

We have a few deals going on, but if they will work I dont know yet for sure. If not we will most likely attend smaller events in Finland and use the prize moneys for trips.

Sounds good, do you have any events scheduled already?

As I said we dont have any sponsors yet, and we ofcourse have to win those smaller lans in finland. So I dont want to speak about events before we know how things will turn out.

Do you consider yourself as Finland's best CS clan already, although you haven't really done anything?

Time will tell.

Okay that was all I had, anything you'd like to add before we quit?

lol xd.

Thanks for the interview!


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