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ESWC byter ägare(?)

Det är nu klart att ESWC byter ägare och ny ägare är Oxent. Därefter blir det svårare att förstå vad som har hänt.
Grundaren till ESWC heter Mathieu Dallon och det är samma man som äger Oxent. Så av all information vi har att gå på verkar det som att ESWC ägs av samma person, men genom ett annat bolag.

Vad som däremot är kul att hör är att man tänker satsa vidare. När och var ESWC kommer att arrangeras återstå att se, men de lovar att komma med information snart.

Oxent, an agency specialised in electronic sports, today announced that they have acquired the ESWC, the Electronic Sports World Cup, from the company Games Solution.

Each year, for almost 10 years now, the ESWC, a social and sporting organisation also known as the "World Cup of Video Games," has been bringing together the best video game players in the world after on-line and off-line qualifying rounds on games such as Starcraft 2 © Blizzard, Counter-Strike and Dota2 © Valve Software, Trackmania © Nadeo Ubisoft.

The 2011 edition of the ESWC final, organised by Oxent, was held as part of the Paris Games Week trade fair and drew almost 60,000 spectators in person, with over 2 million watching on the Internet.

For Matthieu Dallon, the current Managing Director of Oxent and the creator of the ESWC in 2003, it represents a new challenge: "In 10 years, the ESWC has set most of the standards for modern electronic sport: generating player stardom, on-stage matches in front of a live audience, live commentary, live multi-platform broadcasts, uniting organisations from around the world, licencing rights with the major game publishers. The integration of the ESWC in Oxent's strategy marks a new departure for the competition".

The organisation of the next edition will soon be announced, including the games selected as official disciplines, the French and international qualification circuits and the place and time of the next final.

About Oxent
Oxent is an agency co-founded by Antoine Frankart and Matthieu Dallon, and whose activity is to promote and organise the emergence of electronic sport based on video game competitions through the development of Internet platforms (Gamersband.com), media publication (Esportsfrance.com), and the organisation of events and competitions (Cyberathlete Summit, ESWC).
For more information, please visit: www.oxent.net

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