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RobbaN - aiming for NiP

Several weeks have now passed since NiP announced that RobbaN, during 2005 known as one of Begrip's successful players, temporarily would take Potti's place in the team. Further detailed information regarding this change of players has still not been revealed and silence has reigned over at the NiP camp. All of this has now changed when we have got ourself a little chat with the 21-year-old Swede that NiP apparently is interested in.
What is the plan for the RobbaN strengthened NiP team, really? Is really the stand-in only temporarily or could we expect RobbaN permanentely take Potti's spot in the team? RobbaN delivers new information on the matter and also sits down with us to discuss the team's upcoming event – Pite Midnight.


Name:Robert Dahlström
Age:21 years
Proffession:Professional CS player
Earlier clans:Port22, Embrace, Begrip
Favourite weapon:AK-47
Favourite map:de_nuke

Sidan 1

Tell us about how NiP contacted you and your thoughts about being a stand-in for NiP!

I received a message at IRC that wondered if I was interested in playing some, and because I wanted to continue to play CS on a high level after that Begrip scattered, and seeing that NiP is one of the very best teams around, of course I accepted!

What are your first impressions of playing with the ninjas if you compare it to your past teams?

There aren't any major differences speaking of the individuals. I had a good time in Begrip, and I still have in NiP.

How is your temporary joining formulated? Is there any time limit?

Since Potti is inactive right now they need someone who can play. I guess I'll play with them for at least the Pite Midnight LAN event, more than that I don't know right now.

Is it settled that this thing is completely temporary and that Potti will return for his spot in the team?

It's temporary now, at least until Pite Midnight. If Potti comes back I don't know.

When miniw took your spot in the showgame versus compLexity, many people thought that your time in NiP was over. How come you didn't play that match?

When NiP asked me about bootcamping with them I told them that my father was turning 50, so I had to be away for a couple of days in the middle of the bootcamp, and the showgame was at that time.

Have you felt your spot in the team being threatened by miniw?

miniw is a skilled player for sure, but there are even more players than miniw to feel threatened by. So I tried not to think about that so much, just playing my own game and show what I can do and hope that that will do. :)

IsKall told us in an interview that there were some plans in building a new roster in Begrip after that f0rest, Tentpole and later Calippo had left. Were there any plans of you being a part of this resurrection of Begrip?

Yeah exactly, that's why we didn't go official with me leaving Begrip.

Moving back to NiP – how has it been playing with the team the first days? Has it been difficult to find your place in the team?

It has been fun for sure and I really enjoy being with NiP. No, it hasn't been any difficulties, I've just been playing my game. :)

If we look at the situation in a tactical point of view for a moment. Seeing that you're a stand-in for Potti, does that mean you will take all of Potti's tactical positions in-game? If so, is there anything in Potti's role in-game that you've encountered particular problems with?

Yeah, it's been kind of like that. I haven't had any problems with that either. Potti had like all of the tactical positions that I never had before but it had despite this worked out just fine.

How do you want to describe NiP's playing style in comparison to the old Begrip team?

In Begrip we almost never had a "wtf did just happen" round. We pretty much stuck to the game plan. In NiP things are pretty mixed, much is good I think. NiP makes the opponents afraid and insecure of what is happening. In Begrip we had some problems with improvising if something went wrong during a round or if Iskall died in the beginning. This feels much easier in NiP.

Your earlier team mate IsKall recently joined the new mYm team. How far do you think this team could go?

I have no idea actually, they could probably become pretty good. :)

Let's talk about yourself for a moment – how would you describe your playing style?

Well, it's hard for me to answer. Should've been better for you to ask someone else about that. But I try to play smart and to be at the right place at the right time.

Said and done, to this answer we add RobbaN's old team-captain IsKall's point of view on this matter.

– RobbaN plays rather calmly and you always know where you have him. He doesn't run of on his own hunting expeditions in-game and he likes the team's play to be structured.

In the end of May you will play with NiP at Pite Midnight, a LAN in Piteå, Sweden, with room for 7000 persons that has a CS tournament worth 250 000 SEK. How great are your chances of taking the gold home?

Our chances of winning are great, absolutely. There will be a lot of skilled teams there so it will be really fun.

Which of the participating teams do you consider your greatest threats?

SK and fnatic.

Seeing that you are a stand-in in the team, do you feel extra pressure on yourself in playing well? What is your expectations on your own play?

Yeah, but I'm going to do my best and hopefully that will be enough. I always have high expectations on myself, but if I just relax and play my game things should work out!

How much training will you put into getting in shape before the event? Will you have any bootcamps?

We'll play as much as we can and we will also bootcamp, more information about that should arrive soon.

Do you got any goals with your playing? Is one goal to become a full member of NiP, perhaps?

I have a lot of goals right now, and one of them is of course becoming a member of NiP.

I wish you good luck with your time in NiP!

Thank you!

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