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Christmas and New Year's eve

When the Christmas came closer, I went with my girlfriend to Linköping to meet her Mother's family and spend the Christmas there! Anna's mother, her husband. Does have two children since his last relationship, both of them are now grown ups. Who has two children each. So being there, seeing four small kids going crazy around the christmas presents. I could actually see myself when I was a little boy, going nuts when the presents were under the tree and waited "ages" for open them up...

I think I lost myself there.. Anyway.

My Christmas was pretty neat, I got a bracelet from Anna which were really cute! As for her, I gave her a trip to Mallorca later this year with me on my birthday. I guess I went big there, ay? haha..

This picture dosen't do anything with my blog, my christmas was dark and showed no snow at all in Linköping :/

Someday after Christmas in Linköping, I went home and had some relaxing days till now. Actually bought a WoW account and made a char and dinged it to 85, haha. Took me around 2 days and 20 hours to do that. I'm not gonna say that I'm gonna quit playing WoW, but I'm for sure not gonna play that game at all near Kiew tournament :)

As the new year is getting closer and closer, and we are soon heading ourself into 2012. I will be in Gothenburg to celebrate the new year with my teammate actually, Delpan. Hope it's gonna be fun! Other then that, I'm feeling really good about the new year and I think, that I got some surprises for you readers soon!

From me to you guys, hope your gonna have a great New Years Eve! oh yeah, also. Follow me on Twitter/facebook!

Twitter account: GeT_RiGhTcs
FB Page:
Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund


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