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Making of a CS Movie


I haven't wrote anything in a while, nothing really new.. But those things that have happeened and things to come will come in another blog, not in this one!


I'm personally looking for a movie maker that have time for making video for me, does the drive for it and of course want to earn a little sum of money of it!

I'm not sure how I want things to be done and so, but I would like to get in touch with someone first that is "of course" good enough for it..
So if You think you have what it takes, please send me a message here on fragbite or via my fanpage on facebook

And please mark it (if you can) with "Moviemaker"

Hope you are enjoying the summer and also I will be sorting the message out TONIGHT and probably be replaying then!

** Update **
I will instead of what I wrote before, answering people on Sunday as I'm off tomorrow/Saturday!


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