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Missing my best friend

I'm thinking about 2008, the year before things turned around in my eSport life. I would get a chance to join fnatic.. But that's another story.

In 2008, the year had slowly started good and turned out pretty bad in the end as I had been in school and had problems there with my studies and other things. My dog, Armani, was forced to remove one of his eyes, because he had water in it.. That means that it affected his sight on one of them and it also affected his head, as he pretty much had constant pain in it. So, we had to force him to doctors and they tried to remove the water, and it did get a bit better, but after awhile it came back and we had to come back to remove the whole eye...

I remember that day, it was pretty painful to see my friend in such pain. He couldn't really understand that he couldn't see on his right eye anymore. He felt little lost and I was sad that I couldn't see him happy as he had always been. It took some weeks, maybe months until he was that happy again. That happened around winter if, I'm not mistaken. I hadn't seen him this happy in a long time, as he was jumping around in the snow and trying to "catch" the snowflakes and looked like he had a smile on his face.

Months later, my family saw that he had problems on the other eye. The one that was working. We took him to the veterinary and they told us that he'd probably get the pain back if we didn't remove the eye.. I remember that my bigger brother and mother were really sad to hear the news.. We pretty much understood that we had to put him to sleep to... remove him from the pain, remove him for the suffer that he had, which pretty much means.. removing him from this earth, to a place much better for him. Going to "dog heaven" or whatever you guys want to call it.

I personally think that he went to a place which was better than here with us.. Even if I want him still here, in life and enjoy the good times and such. I think it was the best choice in that moment.. I'm not sure if he wanted to live without sight at all and having problems with walking around, running etc..

I was thinking about those days in 2008, when Armani fell in sleep. Gets me sad about the whole thing, as he was one of my best friend and it comes days when I think about Armani and he reminds me about being happy, instead of thinking about that sad day. As he was one of the happiest dogs I've ever met.

Thanks for everything, Armani <3

Long time ago, I'm not sure what age I was.. Pretty young tho!

Here is one of those few pictures of him without one of the eyes, still happy and looking for something!

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