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Home from Korea


Came home from Korea like two days ago, been so jetlaged after the trip, that I forced myself to be up to 22~ and then slept for around 14 hours, which is to much I know. But when You are jetlaged after a trip I think that's ok then, haha...

Anyway, after I came home. I've been with my lovely girlfriend and her father and his family. We were on a show yesterday called 'Ljust och Fräscht', a show that was showing how we, Swedes. Are obsessed by having the "dream home".. I'm not really sure why, how they came up with everything in that show, but they made the show pretty well, especially when I like those two for there stand-up comedy.. I think more the Swedes know who they are, especially they only do that in Swedish!

This Sunday, my team and I will play in the last step of the Qualifier for IEM: GC6 Kiev, that will take place in January next year. The Qualifier itself, has about every good team out there in it and it's gonna be tuff to get a one of those five spots that the qualifier has, But I think we have good chances to get one of those spots anyway!

Hmm.. I'm not sure that I have more to say from my mind at the moment.. Oh yeah, I'm probably gonna make a small visit on that shoutout that HeatoN and SpawN is having tomorrow at the Gallerian in Stockholm, so cya there or something like that! haha


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