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CPH Games


Haven't wrote anything for a while now, and I thought I need to write about something today! We've been in Copenhagen since Tuesday now, and three days ago we attended the CS:GO tournament they had here and actually won it! Kinda cool if u ask me! CS:GO is really fun if u ask me! And I think my teammates feels the same.

Other then that, we haven't done so much since then. Played the groupstage and our first WB match and won everyone of them! Which is good for our own confidence to be able to play better!

some i-views I made at the event!

Those two are more about CS:GO then really the 1.6 tournament over here.

I'll be giving writing more soon, so stay tuned! :)

** That kinda sucks.. Nothing to say then I'm really sorry about our performance here..

Also, thanks to Niklas Fischier, heat-gaming, HeatoN and benQ for letting us borrow their monitors and computers during the event!

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