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IEM World Championship

Ahhh, just looking at the letters of " IEM: World Championship" is saying it all for the moment. Great tournament, great teams attending, hard groups and meet up with the team!

As the hours are flying away and our last practise day is soon over, we are, from tomorrow going to Germany and getting ready for the tournament on Tuesday.. Gonna be a early waking up on that day as well, as our first game starts at 09:10 (!!) and our opponents for the first game is gonna be Na`Vi as many of you guys know. Tuff game already!

Hopefuly we are ready for it! ;)

Many people have probably wonder how it goes with Martin in the team, it's going smooth and he's starting to get understand pretty much everything we say ingame and we him. As he speaks "danish/swedish" ingame! So I don't think the language barrier is not that big of problem right now for us. Which is good! Other then that, I'm gonna to try to do more V:blogs over there, some random ones as well some serious ones! So stay ready for those ;-)

hopefuly we can see some of this actions ;-)

Other then that, hope u guys will follow us on the first day and cheer for us! We will need it!

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