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I'm just curious what people like of the new ADD fragbite just made on this site, u can see on the left side that they have added the 'Livestream' bar, what You think about it?

Of course, there is some CS streams added. But as for the moment noone is streaming so cannot really show it :'(

Other then that, I'm really disappointed to see that KODE5 haven't paid out their prizemoney from ages ago still.. As I was a part of the fnatic lineup 2009 and won the KODE5 tournament then.. Kinda suck to see still, even tho I know they haven't receive money.

Kinda strange rumor were actually the guys had taken the prizemoney, went to Las Vegas and gamble all the money away, but I don't know if that's true or not. Hopefuly not :p.. But still!

Anyway, about the competition. I'm gonna tell the winner tomorrow. Who won the awesome mouse! :) Oh yeah, also. The next competition will be much better 'thought out', just so u know!


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