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Inferno Online + Website

So second blog in two days, must be a record or something... haha!

Anyhow, we are for the moment at Inferno Online in Stockholm bootcamping a bit. As they have fixed a "practise" room for us which we are very glad to get!

We can go here at anytime and just play with the team or other business! Still under construction, so more things will come in!

Another big thing, that happened just.. We just launched our "team site" so we can update our fans abit more closely, except just doing everything on facebook, as we've been doing it alot recently/when we started the team again! So for you guys, you'll get chance to get more personal with us, the players, demos and other things that we will come up with! Anyhow, for you who haven't yet find the adress for our site, it's down below!


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