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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Acer & PANTHERS fight for an FBM slot tonight

After excluding mousesports from the fourth edition of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem, it's up to the Swedes of Team Acer and the Portuguese squad in PANTHERS to fight for the newly opened spot in Group D.
A week ago, mousesports were excluded from Fragbite Masters due to having new recruits who represented PENTA in a previous stage in the tournament. This opened up a slot in the tournament's Group D, which will be fought for tonight.

THREAT's Acer gets a third chance to qualify for Fragbite Masters.

In what you could call a one-match last chance qualifier, Team Acer and PANTHERS will fight in a best of three duel where the winner will be granted the spot in Group D. The Swedes of Team Acer surprised many in the first Fragbite Masters online qualifier when the beat Team Dignitas, amongst others, while the Portuguese PANTHERS played well in the second qualifier, tripping on the finish line against Dignitas.
Sverige Team Acer vs. Portugal PANTHERS Discuss this match
Team Acer: THREAT, kHRYSTAL, Spitfire, wenton, slap
PANTHERS: JUST, zpr, ZELIN, defaulTt, zlynx

Time: 21:00 CEST
Stream: FragbiteLive
Format: Best of three maps
The match above will be the only Fragbite Masters related duel for the day, but we'll continue our tournament tomorrow as well as Thursday. Just like the rest of the tournament, the match above will be broadcasted from the Fragbite Studio in Stockholm, Sweden. Casters for the night is Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat and Fragbite's own André "rich" Åkerblom. Don't miss it!

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