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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

mousesports excluded from Season 4

After the recent line-up changes in the German organization, Fragbite Masters and mousesports have reached a mutual agreement to exclude the team from the ongoing edition of our tournament.
Following the ongoing shuffle in the German scene, where three former PENTA Sports players now play for mousesports, we have, together with the support of mouz, taken the decision to remove them from this season of Fragbite Masters. The full reason behind this decision can be found below, courtesy of Joakim Jansson, project manager for Fragbite Masters:

"As both Denis "denis" Howell and Timo "Spiidi" Richter took part of Group A with PENTA Sports, they lost their opportunity to play with mousesports in Group D. It's sort of self-explanatory that you are not allowed to participate with more than one team during a season, which mousesports fully understood. They were offered the opportunity to play with stand-ins, but understandably preferred to drop out of the tournament completely", Joakim Jansson says.

"I want to underline that there is no bad blood between Fragbite Masters and mousesports what-so-ever. This is only an unfortunate turn of events, and we hope to cross paths with their organization in the future."

Team Acer and PANTHERS play for the open slot

This leaves a void in Group D that needs to be filled in time for the group to be played. After carefully looking at the qualifier results, keeping the short notice in mind, we have decided to play a best of three decider between the Swedish Team Acer and the Portuguese team PANTHERS. This match is yet to be scheduled, but will act as a brief last minute qualifier for the spot in Group D.

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