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SKYTTEN presents new, all-Swedish team

After being dropped from Team Kinguin, Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson is back with a new team. This time it's an all-Swedish lineup.
Back in late June we saw Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson being released from Team Kinguin after only one having played one LAN tournament together with the team. The official statement from Carlsson said he wanted to be more of a rifler rather than the leader, which the European star-studded mixture didn't feel was the right call. After the release, the Swede took a break from playing, but is now back with a new team.

"Today is a great day as I'm officially in a team again after a small break from CS. It's with maximum motivation me and my new team TSK is stepping into the scene. We have high expectations on ourselves and I'm sure we'll be able to provide results even in the early phase", Carlsson states.

Besides Carlsson himself, the team has two other former Team Orbit players in Fredrik "RoQuEy" Honak and Max "Maxie" Lönnström. Less predictable is the addition of Daniel "DomiNate" Garcia, who has been standing in for Publiclir lately, and who also made somewhat of a name for himself through streaming on Twitch, and Jonas "Lekr0" Olofsson.


Sverige Alexander "SKYTTEN" Carlsson
Sverige Daniel "DomiNate" Garcia
Sverige Fredrik "RoQuEy" Honak
Sverige Max "Maxie" Lönnström
Sverige Jonas "Lekr0" Olofsson
In another part of the statement cited above, Carlsson says they are seeking a more proper home for the team. Apparently, some promising offers are on the table already, but they are still open for further suggestions. If one wishes to contact the team, one can do so via TeamGreyFace@Gmail.com.

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