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Fragbite Masters will be back


Presenting Fragbite Masters Champions Showdown

To ease up the upcoming season, we are happy to present Fragbite Masters Champions Showdown, which is a 100 000 SEK LAN face-off between the two most recent Fragbite Masters Champions — fnatic and Team SoloMid.
The Counter-Strike: Global Offensive scene is still gasping for fresh air from the intensity of the historic sixth major tournament that went down in Cologne just last weekend. To break the the post-major silence, Fragbite are extremely happy to announce an anticipated match-up, that we didn't get to see in Germany, to warm you up for the upcoming fifth edition of Fragbite Masters.

It's all offline

Yes, you heard it right. We have decided to have this epic clash being a showdown between the two titans. It will all take place in the Fragbite office that is located in central Stockholm. Much like last time you can expect high quality production as these two teams duke it out for the prize purse and a slot to the Season 5 LAN finals.

Sverige fnatic vs. Danmark Team SoloMid

fnatic: pronax, JW, flusha, olofm, krimz
TSM: karrigan, cajunb, device, dupreeh, Xyp9x

BO5 — Winner qualifies for FBM S5 LAN finals

Fragbite Masters Champions Showdown is a 100,000 SEK (~11,820 USD) best of five match between the two most recent Fragbite Masters Champions, namely fnatic and Team SoloMid. The teams have provided us with some of the most nail-biting matches throughout the year, which is why we want them to face each other in a best of five. What's the prize? A direct invite to the Fragbite Masters Season 5 LAN finals. But that's not all...

Prize pool gradually increases

Although one team may lose the series, it doesn't necessarily mean they go home empty-handed. To keep the intensity of the match, and to make it logical for the teams to finish the whole series, all maps will have its own prize pool that gradually increases the longer the match goes. In other words, even the team that lose the best of five itself can still get quite a good chunk of money for their efforts.

Map prize distribution

Map 1: 15,000 SEK (~1,770 USD)
Map 2: 15,000 SEK (~1,770 USD)
Map 3: 20,000 SEK (~2,360 USD)
Map 4: 20,000 SEK (~2,360 USD)
Map 5: 30,000 SEK (~3,550 USD)

Total: 100,000 SEK (~11,820 USD)

The fiery duo returns

Obviously, we're going to have our incredible stream to deliver this epic show-down. The casters will be our amazing casting duo of Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonnat. The people running the production will also be the same crew who has given us Fragbite Masters throughout the years, so a great stream is to be expected! The broadcast will happen on FragbiteLive.

A huge shoutout to our sponsors

The match above, as well as the upcoming Fragbite Masters Season 5, could not be operable without the incredible help from our sponsors. Com Hem will once again be our beloved title sponsor, and continues to support Fragbite Masters for a fifth season in a row together with McDonald's. Two other familiar names are PokerStars and Estrella, who are also supporting this fifth edition, as well as the very welcomed new name Samsung. These five partners deserve a lot of love for the support they give us as a tournament and us as an e-sport.

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