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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Here's the talent for the Fragbite Masters LAN finals

Besides the four awesome teams in Stockholm, we can now present you the talent for the Fragbite Masters LAN finals.
This saturday at 14:00 we kick off the finals for the fourth season of Fragbite Masters and we can now present the stream team. These four gentlemans will be ones to commentate the game, break down what went down and crack a joke or two during this weekends final. A host, an analyst and two commentators will make up for the talent for season 4.

Two familiar faces

As per usual, we will be joined by our two lovely commentators from the online season in the form of the danish pin general, Anders Blume and the french american Auguste "Semmler" Massonat. They will be the two main commentators that will be the voice in your ear during the matches. If you're lucky you might see them make an appearance on the main expert panel.

One host, one analyst

For the expert panel we got one awesome host and he will be joined by our smart analyst. The host is a familiar face in form of Richard Lewis. Lewis was on the expert panel during the last LAN finals and with his awesome job, we decided to bring him back for another go. He will be joined by the current NIP coach in the form of Joona "natu" Leppänen. Together they will break down the games and bring you a fun to watch experience.

Storbritannien Richard LewisHost
Finland Joona "natu" LeppänenExpert
Danmark Anders BlumeCommentator
USA Auguste "Semmler" MassonnatCommentator

So get ready for an awesome weekend of Counter-Strike, fun action in the panel and as usual top level production as we bring you the Season four finals of Fragbite Masters. It all starts at 14:00 on saturday as Na`Vi takes on Fnatic.

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