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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Play of the Day: Here are the nominees

The online portion of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4 is close to settled, and we have closed the intake of Com Hem's Play of the Day sequences. Here are the 13 nominated plays, which's winner will receive 25,000 SEK.
In the beginning of Fragbite Masters powered by Com Hem Season 4, we announced that Com Hem's Play of the Day would once again be a part of the tournament. The competition hands out 25,000 SEK, approximately 2,900 dollars, to the best sequence of the tournament, signed by Com Hem.

Throughout the fourth edition of our tournament, we have gathered the best sequence of every day, so called the "Play of the Day". This turned out to be a total of 13 sequences, which all run for the grand prize. We have gathered these clips for you to enjoy in a four minute long highlight reel.

Have you finished watching the movie? Great! Now, we ask you to scroll down and carefully vote for the sequence that caught your attention the most. Only one sequence can win, and when the voting is done, a Top 5 movie will present the best sequences during the Fragbite Masters LAN finals the 6th-7th of June.

Which Play of the Day was your favourite?

Nomination #1: GuardiaN vs. PENTA Sports (AWP)
410 (9%)
Nomination #2: Edward vs. Team SoloMid (Galil, M4A1-S)
186 (4%)
Nomination #3: Mystic vs. FlipSid3 Tactics (AK-47)
126 (2%)
Nomination #4: SmithZz vs. LGB eSports (CZ-75 Auto, AK-47)
36 (0%)
Nomination #5: TaZ vs. CPLAY (M4A1-S, Glock-18)
53 (1%)
Nomination #6: JW vs. nerdRage (AWP)
586 (13%)
Nomination #7: Spitfire vs. AlienTech (M4A1-S)
27 (0%)
Nomination #8: jOELZ vs. AlienTech (Tec-9)
28 (0%)
Nomination #9: dupreeh vs. Team Dignitas (AK-47)
63 (1%)
Nomination #10: kHRYSTAL vs. nerdRage (AWP, AK-47)
50 (1%)
Nomination #11: seized vs. EnVyUs (Five-SeveN, AK-47)
1812 (41%)
Nomination #12: flamie vs. HellRaisers (M4A1-S)
222 (5%)
Nomination #13: JW vs. Team SoloMid (AWP)
725 (16%)
Undersökningen har stängts och tar inte längre emot röster.

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