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Fragbite Masters will be back


LGB eSports to continue competing in Fragbite Masters

After releasing a statement regarding the situation regarding Kristoffer "Mystic" Michelsen potentially owning a previously VAC-banned account, as well as providing Fragbite with a conversation with Valve, LGB eSports journey will be continuing in Fragbite Masters.
Amid allegations of LGB eSports player Kristoffer "Mystic" Michelsen acquiring a VAC ban on a previously owned account, the organisation has released a statement as well as sufficient proof to our administration which has made us confident that Michelsen is eligible to compete in Fragbite Masters.

The proof LGB presented to us was a dialogue they've been holding with Valve since the allegations first surfaced. In the conversation, it is clear that Valve themselves have found no correlation between the VAC-ban in question and Michelsen.

"With regards to Kristoffer “Mystic” Michelsen, Valve have conducted an investigation with a clear conclusion: The rumors surrounding Mystic does not match the findings and they are therefore false. The player is not associated with the accounts VAC BAN, and therefore no cheating actions. The player can participate in the major tournaments hosted by Valve as any other player. This investigation has been carried out on request by LGB eSports as a routine in the process of recruiting."

Joakim Jansson, project manager for Fragbite Masters provided the following comment regarding LGB:s continued attendance in Fragbite Masters.

"After hearing about the speculations regarding Kristoffer "Mystic" Michelsen we contacted LGB. They were very helpful as they themselves wanted to clear the accusations surrounding Michelsen and contacted Valve straight away. They have provided us with enough evidence to clear the cheating accusations against Michelsen. Therefore we will not take any action towards Mystic nor LGB, who will maintain their position in the first round of the Winner Bracket."

With all this said, we want to extend our sincerest thanks to the community for bringing this situation to our attention. Competitive integrity is the backbone of Fragbite Masters, and we aim to continue delivering a quality product to our viewers with clean players and great games.

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