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Fragbite Masters will be back

Counter-Strike: GO

Dignitas & nerdRage claims the last two FBM slots

After three days of intense Counter-Strike: Global Offensive action we finally have our full set of teams for the upcoming season of Fragbite Masters as Dignitas and nerdRage claimed the last two slots.
Three days ago we started our second qualifier as 191 teams duked it out for a slot in the main portion of the tournament. After seven rounds we finally have our two last teams to join the tournamnet as Dignitas managed to beat PANTHERS. The finish team in nerdRage took out OnlineBOTS with the result 2-1 to secure their slot in the group stage of the tournament.

Pimp and his team Dignitas claimed one of the last two slots

This now means that we have 16 teams ready for the group stage of Fragbite Masters Season 4. In the upcoming four weeks we the teams will duke it out to decide who makes it out of group play and who goes to the Upper- or Lower Bracket. Just like we have done previously, the top four teams have picked their opponents for their group and below you can find the group draft and the groups.

Qualifier draft

  • Sverige Fnatic picks Europa nerdRage
  • Frankrike EnVyUs picks Slovakien nEophyte
  • Polen Virtus.Pro picks Danmark CPLAY
  • Danmark Team SoloMid are left with Danmark Team Dignitas

  • The group draft is not over and next week we'll continue with the four qualifier teams. This means that the groups look like this.

    Group A (28/4 & 29/4)Group B (30/4 & 5/5)
    Danmark Team SoloMidFrankrike EnVyUs
    Ukraina Na`ViUkraina FlipSid3
    Tyskland PENTA SportsNorge LGB
    Danmark Team DignitasSlovakien nEophyte
    Group C (6/5 & 12/5)Group D (13/5 & 14/5)
    Polen Virtus.ProSverige Fnatic
    Frankrike TitanTyskland mousesports
    Ukraina HellRaisersPortugal k1ck
    Danmark CPLAYEuropa nerdRage

    Next week we'll start off with group A on tuesday and it will all be commentated by the original Fragbite Masters CS:GO duo, Anders Blume and Auguste "Semmler" Massonat.

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